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For more than 50% of Venezuelans the outcome of this process, we would be away from a modern democracy. For them also suffer depression, strengthens the thought that the government of Hugo Chavez is moving towards an autocracy or dictatorship in disguise, or sui generis: Venezuela is the first country in the world of democratic and presidential regime where the Heads of State, may seek re-election infinitely. By the same author: Philadelphia Real Estate. THE PHANTOM OF THE DICTATORS IS BACK TO APPEAR Nobody wanted to stop Chavez. Some of the opposition, he was benefiting from this new release of "tail and Pig." Other Latin American leaders like Uribe, LUGO, Kitchener, among others, not bothered by this possibility that has launched it range of possibilities. Dangerous precedent for an America that just exceeds the disease Messianic LEADERS DICTATORS and did so much damage.

The ghost of dictators reappears … who live in Venezuela found a process where the government participate openly using all the financial and human resources. They have seen a guiding CNE supposedly "impartial" than cheered by the outcome. Armed forces who played next to the President and the judiciary and prosecutors who callus accomplice to all that happened. To cap it all up many international suppliers operate under a "muzzle" arepas ", ie only saw a portion of the event. I pay the hotel bills, rental cars and big binges or "bunch" (parties) that occurred within the government banned the sale of alcohol but not the take several times the Room Mini Bar reviews … One of these illustrious visitors, amid the cacophony, turned on the TV and thought she saw Pinochet, Noriega, A FIDEL in uniform "has returned …" screamed and an Argentine in the midst of drunkenness a replied "No, Boludo Chavez is on his balcony of Miraflores, in the uniform of Commander in Chief …

"Here's to the XXI Century Socialism. Forced to continue in the struggle must seek out those who remained firm, unshaken, inaccessible to despondency and depression, and they are our American prophets, anonymous, hidden in neighborhoods, in the field, in the popular movement, feminist, indigenous, black, union … They, like sentinels, have spent a sleepless night, outdoors, alone and we are helping to process, digest, heal wounds, to save memory and identity, with the certain hope that the dawn will not break the appointment. Dawn a new Venezuela. SEE OUR TV PROGRAM ON MONDAY TO FRIDAY FROM 2 TO 3 PM (Venezuela) a NEWS at full speed. IN OUR BLOG. Speaker Bar a political community. Driver of a TV, Radio and process a videojournalist, local and regional parliamentary over 15 years in the State of Zulia Venezuela. His blog and column for the News Trial runs some national and international stages. Married. Two children. Venezuelan, 45 years old.