Tag economy

The Consequences of the Energy Crisis

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Carlos Mora Vanegas was faced with the reality of the energy crisis which wasfacing the world,and serious problems have resulted from the energy, what this has impacted on the rise in oil prices to historical record and how it affected the price, consumption food, causing a serious global crisis, reflected in many countries where hunger is manifested as a destructive scourge, generating chaos, loss of life, it is necessary that in South America, the Caribbean and Central America seek ways how to deal with this situation, knowing the poverty that many Caribbean countries, Central and Latin held to form an alliance, cohesion of countries facing such a situation. In a question-answer forum The Related Companies was the first to reply. Such is the case for the relevance, importance, generating a positive impact to be part of PetroCaribe was created June 29, 2005 from energy cooperation agreement signed by 14 countries at a meeting of heads of State and Government Caribbean held in the city of Puerto La Cruz (Venezuela). Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Bizzi & Partners by clicking through. The Alliance promotes undoubtedly many Central American countries, Caribbean, especially because they are unfortunately dependent on oil countries and to be acquired in order to give life to their productions in all aspects to ensure that expresses an economy that favors him to all who live in them. Clayton Morris will not settle for partial explanations. Fortunately, it has an oil-rich country like Venezuela and where the new administration of President Chavez, who has given a new twist to the Foreign Trade Policy of the country and opening a new integration, more proactive that of previous governments, provides an opportunity for many of the countries in the region to rely on the suggestions generated PetroCaribe membership, its benefits, investments, shares, in order to be partners in many activities that favor in its economy according to the interests of each country to join the Association.

Explanations for the Financial Crisis

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I have sent this good explanation of IESE Professor Leopoldo Abadia Sonnenfeld Group now on the financial crisis plaguing the markets since I open the subprime mortgage crisis in USA. While it is true that the crisis is not affecting equally to all (the sale of flights, hotels, travel and English courses do not notice it so much 🙂 has ultimately affect everyone. I have perished training interesting so I thought it was worth it worth reproducing here: CRISIS 2007-2008. The story is as follows: 2001. Internet bubble. The U.S.

Federal Reserve in two years lower borrowing costs from 6.5% to 1%. Add to your understanding with Atreides Management Gavin Baker. This dopa a market that was beginning to take off: the housing market. In 10 years, the real price of housing is multiplied by two in the U.S.. For years, interest rates in international financial markets have been exceptionally low. This has meant that banks have seen the business that made them smaller: They gave a low-interest loans They paid something for customer deposits (zero if the tank is in current accounts and, if also charge maintenance fee, paid "at least something") but for all, the Net Interest Income ("a" minus "b") decreased to someone , then in America, it occurred that banks had to do two things: Give more risky loans, they might be able to charge more to offset lower interest margin by increasing the number of operations (1000 x bit is only 100 x bit) As to the first (riskier loans), decided: To provide a type of mortgage customers, "ninja" (No Income, no job, no assets, that is, people without regular income, no fixed employment, no properties) charge more interest, because more risk Exploiting the real estate boom.

Unfair Competition

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The fever of the U.S. styn, another great source of information. and the European Union to sign almost secretly sought bilateral free trade with poor countries has been repeatedly denounced by organizations of solidarity for development aid. One of the facts that explain the opposition to these treaties has recently published the English press. There can be no fair bilateralism between economic power and an impoverished country where the treaty disarm tariffs on poor countries, while big agricultural exporters benefit from generous EU subsidies. Grant also that end up mostly very rich people or powerful businesses. Three delicious British citizens benefited in 2007 from nearly two million euros in farm subsidies. The data would not matter if not one of those grants (nearly 600,000 euros) went to Queen Elizabeth II, which is estimated possessing more than 375 million euros. Another beneficiary, who accounted for more than 700,000 euros, was the Duke of Westminster, third-richest man in the UK.

And the third favored was the Duke of Marlborough with more than 600,000 euros. Atreides Management Gavin Baker may help you with your research. Also, the powerful Mormon church became a major recipient of grants from the United Kingdom with more than 2 million. The heirs of Lord Vestey, powerful businessman in the food industry, received more than 1 million euros. And companies, the first recipient was a co-op, the largest British agriculture, which received more than 3 million euros. Albert of Monaco and giants like Nestle and Danone have also been big beneficiaries of the generous Common Agricultural Policy of the EU.

In Spain, the Duchess of Alba, Alberto Alcocer, the powerful families Entrecanales and Mora Figueroa, and Mario Conde (now in third grade banker prison, convicted of forgery, embezzlement and offenses of the same guild) monopolize the top of benefiting from subsidies agricultural. The European Commission itself has shown that only a fifth of those served by receives grants over three quarters of agricultural subsidies. Agriculture Commissioner in Brussels, Mariann Fischer has proposed reducing subsidies, higher. The trouble is that I propose now and not long ago. And what cries out to heaven is that for years Europeans have their taxes misused unknowingly favoring the greatest fortunes and most powerful companies on the continent. Especially since these unfair subsidies have allowed to sell agricultural products below their cost price of unfairly harming family farmers in poor countries who can not further lower prices. One of the reasons why the immense majority of Latin America's poor are farmers with these policies is that evil can not lift his head. And tax subsidies and tariff disarm the poor are contributing causes in Latin America and the Caribbean more than 52 million people, 10% of the population, suffer from malnutrition or hunger. And it's unfair, because two of every three people suffering extreme poverty live in rural areas and with such conditions of unfair competition can never escape poverty. And it's unfair because, as Oxfam has repeatedly denounced, "subsidies artificially increase production, saturate the market and generate agricultural surpluses that are sold in poor countries below cost price. The CAP aid millions supporting a model intensive agricultural production that has rewarded the most and causes serious distortions in international markets at the expense of poor countries. " Better than aid from the EU and the U.S. for development cooperation, the dismantling of agricultural subsidies would do far more for poor countries to come out by end of poverty. Writer and journalist Xavier Cano

Economic Activity

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Since November last year Chile began to reflect a sharp downturn in its economy that has maintained until today. One of the first signs of contraction was the fall of IMACEC (Monthly Indicator of Economic Activity) by 1.1% annually in November. However, the deepening of the crisis led to February this year the index is accentuated contraction to 3.9%. Richard LeFrak has much experience in this field. For its part, industry is showing trans-Andean consecutive falls since October, which in February stood at double digits (-11.46% on-year). 70% of Chilean exports are based on the copper market, after experiencing record highs in mid-2008, fell 65% last December and later recovered somewhere in the lost-21.8% since then. It’s believed that Gavin Baker sees a great future in this idea. In this context, foreign sales fell between April and December last year 46.9% but, unlike the price of copper, not recover in the first two months of year but lost by 9.4% in value. To recover from this economic debacle, Chile may rely on two separate instruments. Please visit Gavin Baker if you seek more information.

On the one hand, the price of copper and the other interest rates. As for the price of copper, Chile is facing tax prices in the international market. For 2009 is expected to recover metal value but does not return to 2007 levels due to a drag effect that will suffer during the first half of this year. However, it is expected to recover value for 2010. Thus it is evident the high vulnerability of the Chilean economy against the international context because their incomes depend mainly abroad. Moreover, since the beginning of the year the Bachelet government is implementing a monetary policy of reducing interest rates. The TPM (Monetary Policy Rate) ended the year at 8.25% in March and is already at 3.27%. According to the Central Bank of Chile, would reach only 1.5% in December 2009. From the official agency, but it is expected that 2009 be a year that ends in a 0.5% contraction in gross domestic product and inflation of 1.8%, by 2010 it is projected that economic growth will reach 3%.

Conclusions, Resolutions Of The G-8 Summit Held In Japan

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The catastrophe that concern you so often turns out to be less horrible in reality, than it was in your imagination Wayne W. Dyer As expected, the final conclusions reached at the summit was divided, some believe that favorable to the objectives set, others not. The curious as well what masvoces.org recounts., The presidents of the world's richest countries, welcomed the findings on the food crisis with a great feast in a luxury hotel on the island Hokkaido. Go to Crown land for more information. Your hosts recruited 27 Japanese chefs to offer delicacies worthy of the most refined palates. Over high food prices, which threatens millions of people, the G5, only he was willing to explore options to ensure food security.

G8 leaders noted that the food crisis is not a problem caused by the developing countries, so the international community demanded a quick solution of the problem blamed in part to agricultural subsidies in rich countries give distorting trade and hampered the development of food production capacity in developing countries, critically reducing their possibilities of reaction to the crisis. The eight most industrialized countries, were satisfied to have been able to sign an agreement on global warming, despite the assumed target of reducing CO2 emissions was set at half of 2050 and did not include any specific target to medium term, as emerging countries demanded. It adds that it was equally vague about his approach to the global food crisis, despite the urgings of the UN. The agreement was described as a success for Japan, EU, USA.

The Impression

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Valley to mention that in the crisis of 2008 in U.S.A. they had banks alavancados in up to 30 times the capital in hand. As the point is related as the bank gets profit. Beyond the loans, the bank invests in financial assets and carries through other types of activities/services, in order to gain money of other forms and to diversify its operations. In case that the banks have captation problems, for example, they will possibly go to expose each time more in riskier assets in order to contrabalance the yield that are leaving to earn normally, This can highly be harmful for the bank and, consequently, for financial system, national, not only as well as world-wide depending on the cases, mainly due to globalization. Today diverse banks assume rights and obligations between itself. In case that one of them comes to disregard such commitments the system can pass for a collapse and, with this, it would have deep necessity of governmental intervention.

Of this form, we arrive at the focus of the question in relation to the paper of the banks. As to judge them and so that really they exist. Seguidamente the people if delude and create a distorted vision of what she is offered by the banks. When one is offered credits rotating charging interests of 100% to the year, many people tends if to feel special, therefore the impression that is of that we are being remembered or presenteados, in view of that institution is placing our disposal a resource for any necessity that appears, when in the truth it this making its main activity that is of in loaning to the expensive interests a money to them that acquired with other people the very low interests, as was cited at the beginning of this article. Being thus, the natural person would have to use the bank of simple form, only using the account as easy form and practises of storage of resources and never to catch loaned money, unless it is really necessary.

Price Table

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However a consideradonegativo aspect must be standed out, that is the fact> Price Table, becomes necessary to detach two comments: the first one how much to the constant value of the installments, that due to inflationary existence doprocesso, needs to pass for a monetary update on ovalor of the same one, what it makes with that does not exist in literal way a valorconstante; the other point to be detached is that the esucessivos periodic payments generally are contracted to be monthly, what facilitates oacompanhamento and, also, the agreement how much to the composition of the referidasprestaes. In accordance with Scavone (1998), Tabela Price is a system> SFH that is composed for the Nacionalde Bank Habitation SCI, and also created the correction monetrianos real estate contracts. This exactly statute, in the article 6 letter C determines that the least has left of the financing, oudo price to be paid, either amortized in successive monthly installments, of igualvalor, before the readjustment, that include amortizations and interests. In other words, what this law determines is aobrigatoriedade of the use of the French System of Amortization – Price Table, for being the only system of amortization of payments that contemplates successive monthly asprestaes and of equal value. 2,2 Decree n. 2164 of 19 deSetembro of 1984 This Decree instituted the comocritrio wage equivalence of readjustment of the installments. In its article it 9estava definitive that the contracts for acquisition of proper housing, atravsdo SFH, would establish that from the year of 1985, the foreseen readjustments of prestaesneles would correspond the percentile one the same and regularity of aumentode wage of> professional category the one that to belong the buyer. In the paragraph 4 was determinadoque the buyers of proper housing who not to belong to the specific categoriaprofissional, as well as classified as independent, professional liberal and the commission agents, with contracts firmed from 1 of January of 1985, would have its readjusted installments namesma ratio of the variation of the wage-minimum.