Tag education & career

Abroad Training

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Get better independent advice – in education! Dresden, 06.06.2011 – lifelong learning today is a must. Lifelong learning begins in childhood and continues in the working life. Continuing education is provided just in everyday working life in more and more industries. Without training, the job loss threatens. Is the training action is not arranged by the company, is private involvement in part-time continuing education. But education and training costs time and money.

A good professional advice in advance can protect against mistakes. Who want to educate themselves, need reliable information and support from an objective page. Also for people who have no idea of their professional future, an independent educational consulting can be a valuable guide. The result of each educational counselling is an educational plan tailored to each client. Extensive research has shown that recognized the need for a good education of the majority of the population in Germany. The biggest problem for them however is that they find no personal contact person on-site, they can use to confidently talk about their educational goals. Currently, the education or training advice is often only an administrative process which verifies whether the funding requirements for the educational program of the customer are met. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Clayton Morris. Should but education and training are successfully designed for individuals, can be only a building block of consulting financial support.

While the educational consultant hired by the education provider may offer usually only the products of his house, the independent educational consultant independently performs his duties of consultant from influences on the part of the education provider. He determined the educators, including educational program, which fits best to the educational goal of the seekers on behalf of customer. The regionally-based independent educational consultant/education broker acts as the desired contact spot on the subject of education. It takes account of the Educational planning the personal aspects of the seekers by he personal life situation, the own learning objectives, ideas and interests in the consultation examines together with his customers. In detailed talks issues are to the life orientation, self-actualization and vocational or career plans made, discussed and questioned. It tries to derive a way of education. And for this education, the education consultant created an education plan. Learn more about the independent educational consulting: education brokers report.htm BildungsmaklerNetzwerk Germany builds a network for education agents, because the demands of citizens for independent education counselling has increased rapidly. To accelerate the development of the network, run seminars and workshops to the independent educational counselling (education agents) in whole Germany.

Coach Education Successfully Completed

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In August 2005, the BEST education GmbH in cooperation with the IHK Kassel launched a new certificate course ‘Trainer for continuing vocational training (IHK)’. The content of this course have been adjusted the development in business education. The contents relate not only to the design and implementation of seminars, but also on the development of education in the blended – learning procedures and the monitoring of employees as a coach. With 30-40 participants per year the course proved in recent years successfully. In 2010, the number of participants have increased considerably, so 18 participants have filed in the months of July and August alone their certificate test.

The test is challenging and demands of the participants, the creation of a project work, participation in a written test and providing a reproach that must be part of an expositorischen and a dispositorischen part. They are evaluated by two experienced professional educators who make the assessment of the candidates on the basis of a catalogue of criteria. On Friday, the 13th of August, she found Certification of 12 participants, who travelled from all parts of the country instead. The Seepark Kirchheim, situated in the middle of Germany, once again proved an excellent venue for coach certification. “It was to determine that most of the participants very much passion” had invested in the project works and gave excellent training. Also the quite challenging written test has been met by all, so that at the end of the IHK trainer certificate to all 12 graduates could be passed. The increasing number of sales executives, the training is encouraging,”so Margo Dittrich, Managing Director of BEST education GmbH, with 7 regional and 2 national sales managers, these were represented in the group with 75%”. For more information about the trainer for continuing vocational training, to the compact course trainer Chamber of Commerce and to the advanced course in management and leadership coach Chamber of Commerce at: contact: BEST Bidlungs GmbH European ring 45 37284 Waldkappel Tel.

Offenburger Trainees Is Cooking On 1st

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Finale in the professional competition of specializing in housekeeping with 266 points out of 300 clinched Catherine Ladd of the CJD Jugenddorf Offenburg in these days the first place in the professional competition of the field of home economics. A total of ten trainees from several German CJD facilities had qualified youth village for Offenburg in previously four regional decisions for participation in the final round at the CJD. Currently, the participants of the Federal decision receive their training to the student in the youth villages of Wolfsburg, Bonn, Burgsteinfurt, Niederrhein, Limburgerhof, Homburg, Castle Kaltenstein and Offenburg. At the competition, they showed their skills in food preparation and service as well as an inspection of knowledge of. In a question-answer forum james king was the first to reply. The reviewers evaluated not only the result, but also the work behavior and the processes. So the young people in the teaching kitchen of the heart of Offenburg youth village had to prepare a “colorful vegetable rice Pan” and a “cottage cheese dessert with raspberries” in given time. In the service area was one skill at the professional and neat mounting Table asked by properly setting of the tablecloth over the placement of the napkin and all necessary cutlery to the decorations. At the theoretical exam, the young people had to answer an extensive questionnaire for proper flushing.

“This involves, for example, the correct order of the cycles, the necessary equipment, but also the hygiene rules”, explains Katharina Hermann, Director of ArbeitsKreis housekeeping from Castle Kaltenstein and organizer of the competition. The aim of the competition: In addition to the technical skills the young people in a foreign environment must prove themselves. You will get many new impressions and exchange with like-minded people. Although they average only about one and a half years are in training, all participants have shown consistently outstanding performance, concludes by Katharina Hermann at the closing ceremony: “Today, there are only winners!” The top three finishers, Catherine Ladd (Offenburg, Germany), Sabrina Spiertz (Burgsteinfurt) and Hysnije Kryesin (Wolfsburg), can accept now their prices at the big closing ceremony and prize giving ceremony of all professional competitions on May 11, 2011 in Kaiserslautern.

Courses In England Over The Christmas Holidays

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Few in language think England straht especially for Christmas an incomparable charm at Christmas time to England but there is a fine range of English courses in the Christmas holidays! Big plus: over Christmas, students can improve not only their English but know well the English Christmas. Some schools a special Christmas English offer programs”for young people and adults, say the recreational program is tailored to the festivities. Peculiarities of English Christmas traditions Christmas pantomimes, characterized by lively audience participation and the carol concerts “, the British Christmas concerts. The visit to a Christmas market is also the programme in England. Those who opt for accommodation in a host family, has also the Christmas lunch included. Traditionally, there are crispy Roasted Turkey with Walnut stuffing, roast potatoes and Brussels sprouts, Cranberry Compote, sausage wrapped in bacon with a spicy sauce. Read additional details here: Richard LeFrak.

Dessert follows a Christmas pudding, a recipe that is rich in soaked dried fruit and flambeed with brandy, the evil spirits to distribute. Then, Christmas are often distributed crackers that look like oversized candies. Two pulling at both ends to open the crackers with a little bang. Mostly stuck inside a colored paper hat, a Crown, or a small toy and a joke or a motto. In the choice of your language course for Christmas, you should respect particularly to the actual number of hours per of week. In England the holidays on weekends at the beginning of the week be rescheduled there different holiday arrangements in the schools.

Here an example of price for two weeks in Manchester with homestay, half board, language course: 625 (about 730 euros). If you are not convinced, visit Gavin Baker. Student courses are intense price, because they guarantee a comprehensive service. A language school in Bournemouth (South coast of England) offers an intensive course for students between 14 and 17 years old. Here you can get for 825 (970 Euro) per week an intensive language course with 30 lessons and accommodation in a host family with full Board as well as various leisure activities and Christmas program. Learn more about Daniel Baruch / English in Britain. Daniel Baruch went with his team for over 15 years an independent consultant and broker for language training and language courses England, Ireland and Scotland.

Successful Apprentice Committee Formers

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IBM is successful apprentice negotiation trainer at IBM Austria apprentices are integral part of the workforce. 16 apprentices have in February their 3.5-year training to the IT technician / engineer completed to IT. The special thing about it: Five of the apprentices achieved a grade point average of 1.0 over the entire apprenticeship period. Teaching at IBM Austria has tradition. The company trains currently 56 apprentices in the fields of Office clerks and IT technician / IT technician. The beginnings of the teaching at IBM go back to the year 1982, when the first Office clerks have been trained. M. Ryan Gorman is the source for more interesting facts. in 1999 came the technician training at that time computer technician to teaching.

Five of the 16 apprentices closed their training to the IT technician / to the IT technician 2010 with the note from 1.0 and reached for the entire apprenticeship, IBM was a grade average of 1.0 to among the companies who have completed trained 175 IT technician in February 2010, the company with the young people who have cut off the best. IBM provides the educator IT technician/in a dual training with a training in the Operating and in the vocational school. A special incentive for IBM apprentices are the personal attention, the possibilities for job rotation combined with the chance to meet different areas within the company and the opportunity to complete an internship abroad, and thus to assert themselves in the intra-European professional environment. 500 to 600 young people apply every year to an apprenticeship at IBM and IBM takes around 15-20 trainees aged between 15 and 18 years. The training takes place in the headquarters in Vienna and in the offices in the Lander and at IBM subsidiary. The apprentices are selected in a three-stage procedure, with the deadline for the beginning of teaching each ending with 1 in January. The IBM-apprentices were successful already in the past. All nearly 200 IBM apprentices successfully completed their training.

In 2006, IBM was the State Champion in the network technology. IBM represented Austria at the World Professional Championships in Japan in 2007, and there took place 10. 2008 was an invitation to the IBM apprentice expression designer Petra Ryba-Hofrak to the international apprentice event in Paris under the patronage of the President of the French Republic. The invitation together with the best apprentices was teacher recognition for the outstanding thesis of IBM.

The Future In The Classroom

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\”Burener companies POE developed new communication platform Iliad that I made in Excel!\” The answer of the student is shot from the gun. The 12 piece has correctly solved the rule of three and headmaster Friedhelm Henke nods, satisfied. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Cushman & Wakefield. Since the beginning of the current school year, the 7th grade of the gymnasium of Mauritius in Buren practiced computer-aided teaching. The heart is an intelligent communications platform, which makes more efficient learning and teaching: ILIAS. School life seems at first glance in the math class as usual. Eager students, the majority raised finger, the faces to the front set and following the teacher. At second glance the laptops on the benches and the digital Board make suspicious, which uses instead of chalk with a special wireless pen. The accompanying picture contributes the Beamer, which in turn is fed by the laptop of the teacher. Vadim Wolfson is often mentioned in discussions such as these.

Interactive whiteboard\”means the innovation that obviously pleasure students and other visible evidence of the legendary Technique is that literally goes to school at the gymnasium in Mauritius. Each student of the so-called laptop class has his own password protected, virtual desktop ILIAS. Homework assignments, class schedule and contents are visible there, are automatically backed up to the Iliad server and archived until Abitur. With end of schooling, the students get handed all electronically produced educational content and data on a data carrier, tattered folders and not readable manuscripts are passe. Teachers use the networked system for previously unimagined ways to query performance, to prepare learning contents and check. Rapid tests are possible as well as access to a knowledge pool, the teachers together develop and use. Once created, the fabric is the whole College for their lessons available.

As a large, fantastic collection, long-term benefit everyone, an intelligent communication platform that lives is,\”says headmaster Henke. ILIAD, by PRO-ORG-EDV service GmbH & co. KG (poe ) from Buren a University platform to a ready school concept developed by is, shows great effect after a three quarter of the year.

Country House Building

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Germany’s solid house leader is already represented in over 100 counties nationwide. Behringen. Town & country house is in over 100 counties nationwide, already represented Germany’s leader in solid House, with franchise partners. 2013 has won the company for other 20 areas of franchise partners. As a so-called franchise partner in building”they build up a local company in their region after a proven concept. Contact for the customers is up to them especially the creation of solid houses with local crafts business.

When choosing a partner, we use today almost exclusively on career changers from the middle and higher management, which adapt well to our customer target group, the normal earners. Because no construction experience is the key to success, but leadership and entrepreneurship”, says Jurgen Dawo, founder of town & country house, awarded the German franchise-2013. The new partners especially in the get the necessary know-how and tools one broad education and training programme, as well as by an intense start-up support. This will help you in addition the market entry. New franchise partners in building a sales turnover by an average of 5.2 million euros in the first two years already achieve”, as Jurgen Dawo. House construction becomes more complex In the current year the company expects again with over 3,000 sold houses. In the medium term we want to have forgiven all areas in Germany and grow to over 5,000 homes per year”says Jurgen Dawo next.

To get ready for further expansion, town & country house constantly invests in the further development of the system. Objective here is further growth of the system permanently to ensure high quality in consulting clients, but also in the creation of the House. For one, our owners typically have no experience in building and have a high degree of security awareness.

Test Rides Like, But Please In English

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When a Frankfurt coach offers Tesla test rides, there is much to learn. Once again is confirmed in the current brain research on the subject of foreign language learning: learning and personal development are positive emotional experiences stimulates and not through cramming. What applies to the Coachee, applies also to the coach, the true intrinsic motivation is. If the coach is internally excited and knows his clients well, one can undertake common emotional experiences. New ways emerge remote offices, books, and educational institutions, if it is able to draw from his creative potential.

A California luxury car brand offers test drives for those interested. Lisa Soules, a California-born trainer, your customers and prospective customers to perform just this test drives in English. Tesla moving and tactile experiences are tests in English language. The emotionality tricked, that you would like to share with absolutely. To have a corresponding language learning success can by a exercise targeted questions and answers, language such as in the river. The test rider for example says: ‘ I am…

overwhelmed… by speed. asks Lisa Soules specifically for this experience, so comes the test drivers themselves on very different terms to describe his emotions. That this is likely to adverbs and adjectives, is secondary, because it goes to the experienced Sprachsituatio. In the next moment, seen perhaps a situation; Maybe it’s the barely perceptible car sound that triggers astonishment. How can you describe this in more detail the coach in English asks. Here you can afford, without noticing it the test drivers, great metaphorical and at the same time creative Word work. When the coach asks more accurate according to the activities and their necessary sequence to test drive, then you can play through unnoticed the command form, the so-called imperative. Just as important, but also the Smalltalk with the Tesla is to initially, staff or the general conversation while driving, just for this situation fits. The conclusion of the test drive, the thank you, wishing to concluding observations also skillfully be. The intrinsic motivation last but not least is in full swing, for the sake of the environment. Lisa Soules is this a wide of piece of living sustainable world that offered recently in Frankfurt am Main. Lisa Soules took part Poland at the International Conference in Warsaw, on the subject of motivation in language education on September 24, 2013. There were among others Dr. Marzena? yli? ska on foreign language education and brain research. The latest European foreign language pointed out that Poland is located at the top on the acquisition of foreign languages in Europe. Research results in addition to the already recognized importance of intrinsic motivation, were, among other things, that successful language learning must include at least four hours a week. What they look like four hours, is to consider and test. Lisa Soules decided to accept their own intrinsic motivation, to share the enthusiasm. Another interesting point in the acquisition of the The group dynamics compared with the individual’s foreign languages. Because the group dynamics has the unique advantage of the intrinsic correct will failure that make others in the group. Too bad only that test drives can not take place with several participants. The Conference was held to celebrate the European day of languages. Lisa Soules