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Alcibades intends to be council member of the subjects of State, but Scrates shows to the proper Alcibades its ignorance in relation they, and the necessity of virtues for such. For more information see this site: Richard LeFrak. It initiates it through the dialectic and shows it importance of professors as people capable to teach for knowing in contrast what they teach, therefore, vulgo, would not have this condition to teach, therefore he does not know. Through the personal manifestations of Alcibades, answering the questions proposals for Scrates and its maiutica, also are disclosed its ignorance in relation what it is just and unjust, discrediting it as council member. Scrates explains that knowing the subject we can convert a person, or an assembly, will only change the number, but the important one is to know the subject, without which one is not become nor, nor ten. Alcibades answers contradictorily for being unaware of the subjects debated, whereas if it was asked to it if it has one or two eyes would know, without titubear neither nor to contradict itself.

Scrates calls the attention for the perigos the swaggerer, who in them keeps ignorants and dependents of the others, and, therefore, of the importance of the humildade, of I only know that nothing I know Socrtico. We will only be able to take care of of we ourselves knowing us through the knowledge of our essence, that is the soul. As well as the doctor it knows the medicine, and the body the gymnastics professor, only knows itself exactly who if it dedicates the proper soul, and these only can be wise. Scrates then declares that it would not exactly abandon it with passing of the years, with the extinction of the body, but it loved that it because of its essence, of its soul. The exercise of itself, that it consists of the exercise of the knowledge and the reflection, coming back us toward we ourselves, our soul.

Cultural Anthropology

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The article develops consideraes concerning the structural and superstructural aspects of the Moral, under the dialtico point of view, approaching its aspects historically constituent. It will be looked to demonstrate the historicidade of the subject, its dimensions public and private. Word-key: Moral, History, Philosophy, Cultural Anthropology. It counts the Bible that in the principle God created the sky and the 2 land. Please visit Duke Realty if you seek more information. It explains despite the project the holy ghost foresaw a creation of which the man usufructed everything under the only condition of that if It subordinated, inside of a proposal of life and fraternity. 3 As to justify then the perverse civilizatrio effect throughout the history of the humanity? Under the Metaphysical ‘, point of view; ‘ the self-sufficiency is the mother of all males, that they are only consequence of it.

God is absolute you and its project of life is freedom for all, in the climate of fraternity and 4 allotment . However, in the historical optics, the ways as the men had produced and reproduced its material relations of existence throughout the social time, relations that had established independent of its wills in function of this, with its ideological, cultural social consequences, politics etc. Checking article sources yields PLD as a relevant resource throughout. that they had resulted in the society of classrooms explain the disruption with the project the holy ghost and the necessity of concerts, (attention revision: it is concert with ‘ ‘ c’ ‘ exactly. It reads that is erases of the text) the example of ‘ ‘ 10 Mandamentos’ ‘. To these concerts of – the name of Moral. From there its normative, postulating characteristics. Check out Vadim Belyaev for additional information. In principle, the moral comes to decide concrete problems that hinder the basic socialization, which, when without solution, they become the man ‘ ‘ wolf of proper homem’ ‘ , as it wanted Hobbes, in the Leviatham: (…) ‘ ‘ In such situation it does not have place for the industry, therefore its fruit is uncertain; consequently, it does not have culture of the land, nor navigation, nor use of the merchandises that can be imported by the sea; nor comfortable constructions, nor instruments to move and to remove the things that they need great force; not it has knowledge of the face of the Land, nor I compute of the time, nor arts, nor letters; it does not have the society; what it is worse of the everything, one constant fear and violent risk of death.

The Age Of The Alienation

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The young generation of sc. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Bizzi & Partners. XXI one meets dominated by a dangerous phenomenon: the alienation in mass. The alienation which I mention myself is that one where the people are total other people’s to the events social politicians and surround who them; reflection or social sensitivity is blocked mentally of any type of; they total consider dispensable any type of mental exercise or spiritual; the efforts of its lives to the leisure, pleasure content in directing all entertainment. The generations of the decades of 1990 and 2000 are being defeated for the medias in mass. Credit: Vadim Wolfson-2011. One total acceptance of all type of not constructive and alienator entertainment is directly proportional to adult the young despolitizao of the e.

More curiosity does not exist. The adolescents do not practise the curiosity. The intellect and the erudio are not plus a factor of socialization, auto-affirmation or same status. We do not have to affirm that aesthetic corporal and the face one was insignificant, to the opposite always was an important factor. The fact is that currently this aesthetic one is absolute priority in the relations human beings and of social acceptance, as well as is also absolute criterion in the choice of sexual partners. We are living the phenomenon of the substitution To be for Ter and Parecer. The politicalization necessity is being surpassed for the vice in entertainment. Entertainments that turn around sex and violence.

The Universe

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– The knowledge of the next universe, for greater or minor, is more inaccessible than the time of existence of this universe, which we belong, can providing in them in the evolution of ours to know. Being thus its form/constitution (next universe) is much more unattachable that ours limited imagination. To put, if does not worry, ' ' ours universo' ' still he is very bigger and more complex of what it can travel our lucubraes The incredible union of atoms for the formation of a star, a flower, a virus, a man, etc, is part of the same principle of an only existence. The certainty is that in that we will be able to try to survive (of the hydrogen ovens to the stability of the iron of helium to the Uranian one and very, not to explore, to discover) we will be in what the respect is our origin is of this nor conjecturas. General summary: 1) – Of where we came? The reply it is super Simple: The Universe is INFINITE, it known or visualized universe (that it can have had its origin in a big-bang etc., to be a repetitive and closed cycle or to be in expansion, does not matter), but yes ' ' SPACE ABSOLUTO' ' , in which a ceiling always will be ' ' Contido' ' in another one.

For minor INFINITELY, what we call in ' ' atuais' ' knowledge as fragmentos of subpartculas (quarks, glons, neutrinos) or of pure energy, forces but that ' ' it could always be divisvel' ' to contain another system, and for greater is simple multiplicativa logic. Thus to put to be in an Infinite Space in all the directions, nothing Enters or Leaves. In the origin it does not have the verb to create, ' ' but existe' ' , we are only ' ' Um' '.

The Origin

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Conquanto the intuitivo knowledge if shows immediate to the identical contingency and it in the direction to evidence its existence, the abstrativo knowledge sends to the logical terms that they constitute the universal concept. The double one felt of the term mentions its to it two assumed meanings: the representation (similitudo) and the naturalness (to naturaliter). The representation of the terms in the abstrativo knowledge, sent to the intuitivo knowledge, in turn unfolded in the complex proposals to the measure that the proper incomplexos terms are apprehended and validated, discloses the possibility of an object to be or not to be represented without nothing it is increased to it or removed its reality of contingency. In this direction, the term is similar to the object represented and express in itself this similarity, what Occam presents as similitudo, in such way that a similarity is a mediation unprovided of proper reality, incapable to confer evidences the particular contingencies. Therefore, the terms are not manifestations of the reality, but only representative significaes, that a time complex (chained in proposals), through the similarity if become significaes. The naturalness of the terms, a time that represents ‘ ‘ verdadeiramente’ ‘ the similarity of the term, is justified the naturalness of this term. The naturalness of the term is such that does not have as a natural term represents in similar way an object without of course it is not adjusted to the appointed term? what Occam presents as to naturaliter. Thus, the naturalness of the term discloses to the direction and the origin ‘ ‘ real’ ‘ of the term, for the fact of the term always to retake its significao representative.

Salvador Boys

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The omission of the State and the indifference with the social problem of the human being generate the lack of control and impunity of criminals in what it refers to the culture of the extermnio of boys of street in Brazil. For Sudbrack (2004, P. Details can be found by clicking Expert on growth strategy or emailing the administrator. 22) the extermnio of boys of street in Brazil occurs mainly in the great cities, as Rio De Janeiro, So Paulo, Salvador and Recife. In accordance with the concept adopted for United Nations and elaborated for Lusk and Mason, the expression assigns to all child (boy or girl) for which the street (in the direction amplest of the term, what it includes houses not inhabited, strips of land, for example) became its housing and/or its source of survival, and that it does not have protection, conveniently it is not watched or guided for a responsible adult. These, until then called ' ' boys of rua' ' , they present behavior not accepted socially, and if they fit between that still commit infracionais acts and the ones that its presence considered bothering in public places has, considered as a population that it brings risks for the classrooms highest of the Brazilian society. It is what Sudbrack (2004, P. 23) treats as convenient, therefore: The phenomenon of the extermnio of street boys is the result of a joint enters the groups of extermnio, of the omission and absence of defense of the children for the State, as well as of the indifference of the civil society in relation to the problem. With practical the wild one of this culture of the extermnio, the human rights widely are forgotten and the violence is banalizada by the society, bringing a bigger indifference still to the politics of public security, hindering the effectiveness them right human beings and threatening the democratic system. The State in common agreement with the society determines and commands the spectacle, a gratuitous show of repression, uncontrolled violence and desmedida, leaving definitively of side the human rights protected all and the any human being, not having in this culture distinction of age, sex and color. The hope of a possible reorganization reverse speed-socialization of these small citizens, removing them of the culture of the beggary, of small roberies, robberies and injuries to the patrimony, and reverse speed-implanting the perpetual vision, despite colorful, of the rights and individual guarantees of the human being, is to each distanciada day of the dream of Brazil with Order and Progress.

French Revolution

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These discrepancies make impracticable the consensus as for the agreement of the object and of the methods of inquiry of this it disciplines. This caused the sociological chain sprouting different, which the author still cites and makes one brief communication in this related item of some of these. Now breaking for the item ' ' Chapter third: Desenvolvimento' ' , the author approaches the question of sociology as science that has focus in the distanciamento of bourgeoisie of its initial project of equality and fraternity nailed in the French Revolution and that each time more acted of form less liberal conservative and, using frequent repressive and ideological resources to guarantee the domination power. Social sciences had passed, then, to be used in the construction of the knowledge condizente the necessities of the dominant ones. Sociology also, to a large extent, started to have a character of tool of maintenance of the domination relations. Logically, determined critical pursuings of sociology, over all the influenced ones for the socialist thought, had remained guiding objects and the research of some sociologists. However, this sociology of critical intention, in good part, was ignored in the half left academic and to the edges for the research justinian codes. Of more including form, sciences, or the branches of each science, that received support and institucional incentive at this time was those capable ones to reproduce interests of the dominant ones.

I finish it item of the workmanship ' ' What it is sociology? ' ' , of Martins, &#039 is the item; ' Indications for leitura' ' , that it demonstrates the concern of the author with the readers interested in giving to continuity to the sociology studies, indicating to them some authors and books that approach such thematic one. The workmanship of Carlos Benedict Martins configures in a platform of initiation/introduction to sociology. With a simple and objective language, without extreme terms technician, its reading flows of course and it does not have great problems of understanding. It is a species of ' ' invitation to sociologia' ' , therefore the information are repassed so softly that they finish despertando the curiosity to know the subject more than. A possible imperfection, only, is in the deepening and in the great space that the author dedicates to some sociologists and philosophers, lingering itself excessively in its thoughts, in its ideologies, when it was enough that they were cited.