Month Archive January 2019

Ponte One

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The barraco that had before busy up to ten minutes, one confided in two, the props yielding slowly, the zinc folding itself as sheet of paper, emitting a tow-car, as a sad moan. The poles the water and everything had slid for he was being led for the rapids. It was thus, aturdida, looking at the end of its dreams, the death of its last illusion. now? God knows what it makes. Any thing happens, has faith, believes: it never goes to disappoint it. But this pack was weighed excessively. She was of knees in eaves Da Ponte and fell down I cry in it. It was a time thus, under thick rain, the quiet children around of it.

It came back, remade; between the tears and the drops of rain, it seemed to see a great light to it come in its direction. It would be a candle? A lighted candle, defying rain? In the way of the street? Perhaps it was a Saint; or an Angel. It was not a light alone; they were two. Two candles, in the way of the street, come in its direction. Of the skill that was, it would believe everything. Oh! – it thought – I am being insane person and these children go to be alone, abandoning, lost! But it was not a miracle: It was only one enormous truck of the army, the chassis covered for a oliva green canvas, that vine of lighted lighthouses, looking for to come back fast to the base, the quarter of as the grouping of field artillery, to little> and the grados. They had looked at for the troop, having meneando the head; they had talked a little between itself, they had called the boys and they had one by one put them in the truck, cover with muding itself all, although the well-taken care of infinite. The quarter was enormous; in deep, the separate ones for one it surrounds high, some damaged places and abandoning: old lodgings, bathrooms, one cook.

Up to one horta neglected, full of high weeds, the colonel commander allowed that one troop parked there provisorily. A provisory one that it brought a light one perfume of definitive. The crianada one adopted the quarter, and as the grouping of Artillery of Field it adopted the boys. In a estria of these if it cannot write: and had thus lived happy forever does not have princes, nor princesses, nor dragons. Then it is not a true estria; fbula is only one, that we count to the children in the hour to sleep. ; thus they> they will continue believing that, of one it forms or of another one, the good always is successful. despite it delays a little. It has who does not believe: but I believe firmly that everything was armed for Saint Brbara: because, beyond being the protector against rays and storms, and he will xar of our heroine, it is also the protective Saint of Artillerymen.

Water Treatment

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Objectifying to know the used processes of separation in a ETA (Station of Water Treatment) and to inside verify the quality of water of the city of Aragominas – TO, it was made visits the ETA of this city, where the pupils had had access to the processes used there in the treatment of the water. As the collection of the water in this station of – directly of artesian wells, was also visited the Station of Treatment of the city of Carmolndia? YOU, where the water is collected directly of a stream. After comparing the used processes in the two stations of Water Treatment, it was made visits to the houses of families who directly consume water of residential wells in order to know the conditions of these wells in relation to fossas next they. Using to advantage the motivation of the educandos, a visit to the main streams that surround the city, as the Jenipapo stream and of the field was become fullfilled, where the pupils had had the chance to observe the ambient conditions of the same ones. A small set of documents for the proper pupils was mounted that long ago would be shown to the local community. Visits to the lixes had also been carried through the open sky of the city, with the intention of if verifying the conditions where if they find. Locked up then the stated period for the bibliographical research and of the research of field, a debate in classroom was become fullfilled, where motivated for the data harvested by means of comment and constatao of the problems, it was considered to request the qualitative analysis of the water consumed for the inhabitants of the city of Aragominas. Of this form, with the support of the State college Getlio Vargas, the analysis of the water was requested next to Saneatins: of the Jenipapo streams and the field, waters of the residential wells, and the water supplied for the proper agency.

Wooden Houses

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The Garniz de Geralda the Street Sao luiz was an eddy of moleques. Street of soil, sand, with some houses wooden, for the way many trees, many animals and many people walked that way constantly. It was the street most legal of Navira, I I knew all the inhabitants of that street, wise person until the name of the esteem animals that had in the houses of that street. When we went down the street when leaving the school, was a party, shouts, races of handle catches, dispute of races of all the forms, commotions of all the ways that a person can imagine happened in those wonderful afternoons that I lived there. Of all the tricks what it left in them fascinated were to play with garniz of esteem of the house of Geralda. It was S to beat the foot for galinz, that it came in direction to moleques, to peck, to unhar and to beat if possible in any moleque of that it disturbed to it. Today eye the mark in my leg, left for a peck of that one garninz that it obtained to catch me one day, leaving a wound that ruined and that it delayed weeks to sarar. To the look wound, I remember that my infancy is wonderful and that I lived a great party in the best street of the world..