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Advocacy group attempts to confuse the public and the Federal German egg Association (BDE), a group that represents primarily the interests of the German Kafigei industry, positioning the so-called small group housing as animal-friendly farming effort long disproven studies in a press release. Indeed, the new large cages make however serious limitations for the hens to. The BDE that small group housing “as a form of attitude with the State goal of animal welfare laid down in the basic law represents, in perfect match”would be. While he conceals that the Constitutional Court currently critically checked whether that really is the case. Read more from Duke Realty to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Animal rights activists see also the new cages as Member and doubt that they are constitutional. Still speaks of the Association of studies substantiate the art conformity of the new cages.
All known studies that come to such results, must be you log considerable concerns about the objectivity. Opinions we have, which allow no good hair on these studies, says Mahi Klosterhalfen, Vice President of the Albert Schweitzer Foundation for our environment. Finally, the Association still claimed German egg industry have lobbied for an end to the conventional battery cages. That can go through no more than a bad joke,”Mahi Klosterhalfen looks back on the violent clashes in the run-up to the ban on conventional cages. While the alternative rearing chickens not per se as happy can identify many problems through better management can there be solved. In the new large cages, the serious disadvantages however are in the system. The Albert Schweitzer Foundation for our environment has since 1999 successfully ( welfare-success) against the industrialized farming. Albert Schweitzer Foundation for our environment Saeed Park 5 10715 Berlin contact: Mahi Klosterhalfen Tel.: 030 86 39 16 59 fax: 030 86 39 51 03
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