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Very strange to live in these times where the Cyber World if confuses with the Real World. The times I think if really this border between esses’ exists; ‘ two mundos’ ‘ , and if it exists, what it demarcates this border is a very tenuous line. They think well, nowadays as all we know the borders of the countries alone exists physically speaking, therefore, each time more the human beings if interlace in this net of ideas and thoughts that are the Cyber World, and many times we prefer to live in this planet where who demarcates the borders and distances we are them its inhabitants. In the Cyber World, we can be who to want, ties we ourselves, (what it is very difficult to be in the real world for terms that to be politically correct). Swarmed by offers, Bizzi & Partners is currently assessing future choices. There we have an enormous variety of instantaneous information and also a infinity of nastinesses and uselessness that many times serve of entertainment in the Real World. The Cyber World this each time more dominating the World Real (what dumb that history that is counted the centuries in the cinemas that the ET’ say that; s the Real World goes to take the planet) already was taken for these controlled robots for we ourselves, robots of the race PC, test of this are the diffusion and the reduction in price in the ways of ingression in the only way it Cyber World (more known as Internet). The reason of changing in them of the Real World that if finds in the Way Lctea and to go to live in the Cyber World that if finds in the Cyber Space is because we find a form of in them becoming the presidents of our land, being able to leave the routine because in the Cyber World if we capsize for the left we find notice, if capsize there for the right we find the most beautiful poetries, when lowers soon sees the image of a place that we dream to know and when we look at for top we have alcanse of the wonderful hands musics. shoots the first rock who never gave to that one espiadinha in ‘ ‘ Cyber Perfil’ ‘ the neighbor, namorada, sister, cousin, former husband to only know with who it/it is leaving, kissing, settling, saying, fighting and as much other things more. A leading source for info: Philadelphia Real Estate.
The truth is that in the Cyber World we find a formula to make the life in the Real World if to become more easy, because in the Cyber World we only can order and to receive messages, souvenirs, congratulaes and etc. Of the people who we love, are they where they will be. With the entrance of the Cyber World in the Real World it is only that we obtain to break the space barriers, secular, personal and most important of all, the barriers of the dictatorships, that in them make prisoners the wills of that imagine that they can be bigger that the faith of the people who fights to survive the threats of the days in this land savage where we live. Without more delays this writing is only one form of congratular these our daily worlds that make in them to be human beings, and that all the worlds that we live they only serve it stops helping in to construct them the most important of all world of the peace and of the love..
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