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Peter could not stop, he cheated on his wife, but had always been against divorce, asked for forgiveness, repent and stay home. And now, the husband filed for divorce and left her for another woman he knew Anastasia on the work that she has seen almost every day, and who was younger than 11 years. "Life ended, I was quite old, my daughter grew up, I do not need nobody "- with these words addressed Anastasia for help. Psychological counseling for women came at a time when, after a divorce several months. The property was already divided, the children assessed alimony. These stories are not uncommon when a woman is in a state of divorce, suffering and suffering. Woman has to live with rupture of relations with her dear man. Women on psychological techniques suggest that when the years lived with her husband, and all these years, she made it home bright and cozy, the food prepared for him, gave birth to and raised his children, it captures the unbearable pain, moral, psychological and even physical.
Divorce – is one of the strongest emotional and mental turmoil that persists for the whole family without a trace. Doctors have found that psychological and emotional trauma, woman obtained a divorce, can cause serious illnesses, from low immunity and gastritis to gastric ulcers or nervous disorders. If the situation continues to divorce the woman think about this event negatively, by the same token, it creates a stressful, situation. When you constantly about something you think you are giving her the object of thought energy, and this may lead to the very real trauma.
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