Month Archive November 2012

The Impression

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Valley to mention that in the crisis of 2008 in U.S.A. they had banks alavancados in up to 30 times the capital in hand. As the point is related as the bank gets profit. Beyond the loans, the bank invests in financial assets and carries through other types of activities/services, in order to gain money of other forms and to diversify its operations. In case that the banks have captation problems, for example, they will possibly go to expose each time more in riskier assets in order to contrabalance the yield that are leaving to earn normally, This can highly be harmful for the bank and, consequently, for financial system, national, not only as well as world-wide depending on the cases, mainly due to globalization. Today diverse banks assume rights and obligations between itself. In case that one of them comes to disregard such commitments the system can pass for a collapse and, with this, it would have deep necessity of governmental intervention.

Of this form, we arrive at the focus of the question in relation to the paper of the banks. As to judge them and so that really they exist. Seguidamente the people if delude and create a distorted vision of what she is offered by the banks. When one is offered credits rotating charging interests of 100% to the year, many people tends if to feel special, therefore the impression that is of that we are being remembered or presenteados, in view of that institution is placing our disposal a resource for any necessity that appears, when in the truth it this making its main activity that is of in loaning to the expensive interests a money to them that acquired with other people the very low interests, as was cited at the beginning of this article. Being thus, the natural person would have to use the bank of simple form, only using the account as easy form and practises of storage of resources and never to catch loaned money, unless it is really necessary.

Hurricanes In Cuba and Florida

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Hurricanes or tropical cyclones are the most dangerous weather events affecting Florida and Cuba. Despite heavy security measures taken are the cause of human losses and frequent cause material losses whenever one directly affects the island, or even when not directly hit pass close enough to cause strong tides or heavy rains. Hurricanes have caused natural disasters with the highest number of human casualties of those who have records on the island: – & n bsp; the hurricane of Santa Cruz (1932, still not given names) with more than 3000 deaths and “Hurricane Flora (1963) with around 1500 deaths But they are hurricanes, how often they come to Cuba? Hurricanes are low pressure systems with strong winds that rotate counter to the clockwise and toward its center and can reach speeds of over 300 km / hour with devastating effects. They arise as the season in the Atlantic Ocean (43% of total) or in the Caribbean Sea (57% of the hurricanes) and move westward so their paths often lead them to the Caribbean islands, the coast of Mexico on the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico or the United States , especially to Florida and Gulf states. Cuba is located in a place of frequent path of hurricanes and is affected on average one every two years in the past two centuries (from 1800 to 2004) have beaten Cuba a total of 109 hurricanes, 28 of them Category 3 5, considered destructive. Classification of hurricanes Hurricanes are classified into five categories based on wind speeds at ground level, the categories on the Saffir-Simpson scale are: – & Category 1: 119-153 Km/h- & nb sp ; Category 2: 154-177 Km/h- & nb sp; Category 3: 178-208 Km/h- & nb sp; Category 4: 210-249 Km/h- & nb sp; Category 5: over 250 km / h when are more frequent hurricanes? Hurricanes are strong seasonal phenomena, the season officially runs from 1 June to November 30, in Cuba the most dangerous months are October followed by September, August and November.

The City

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With regard to the Map of Risk, its end item visualcostuma to be a plant low or sketch (croquis) of the workstation, colorful comcrculos that represent the joined risks. The maps must serfixados in visible places in all the sections of the company so that ostrabalhadores can visualize them. However, more important that the resultadogrfico of the map of risks is the process of participation and envolvement dostrabalhadores in its construction, being able to contribute for educative advances organizativose. In this perspective, it was verified as it is the health of trabalhadoresque act in the CRAS Mire located in the city of Belm and which it percepoem security and health in the work environment. Such interest is justified, poisde ownership of such information was possible to know the process of analyzed nolocal work, taking in consideration the number of workers, formaoprofissional, sex, age, types of training involving security and health, hours of working, main instruments and materials of work, exerted activities, type of environment and organizacional climate.

1. BOARDINGS IN HEALTH OF the TRABALHOR With the dapoltica advent of health of the worker had occurred significant changes in the ltimosanos that had made possible a new to look at on the dimension of the work quantoa well-taken care of related to the prevention of occupational illnesses. Through this research it was possible to investigate of that chisel work produces adoecimento process. The focus of the work if gave atravsda understanding in the different ways of resistance and them strategies of defesaao level of the psychic structure. The work if constituted around some constataesdo agreement of the form the work it is carried through and one identified to way searched quetrabalhadores construct to its to it practises It subjectivity labor can be understood as all effort that ohomem, in the exercise of its physical and mental capacity, executes for objective atingirseus in accord with the ethical principles.