Month Archive August 2019

Justice Society

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For the individuals a peace situation is a situation of good things, a positive value not necessarily in compliance with the order legal, but satisfactory to its immediate and mediate interests. The exercise of these interests, however, must be commanded in the life in society so that a situation of peace, exactly egoistic, if preserves as expression of a collective value. When this egoistic peace if distance of the common values, it is breached peace between the individuals, demanding itself a reply of the legal order, of the State, for its reestablishment. Thus, in the perspective of the individual that has violated its rights, an occured time the breaking, if does not reconstitute the peace from a situation of good things and this can reflect in its life in society and on the proper legal order, demanding the state intervention that always is objected as a bad thing. This individual perspective is intrinsically tied with the individual perception of Justice, that in the extremity is exerted and kept coercitive by the State. On the other hand, if the peace is egostica for the individuals separately, in society it is not the rule, but the exception. The spite of the legal order, takes advantage in the relations in society a natural and hobbesiano state of constant conflicts for scarce goods on a peace that if must construct, then, in collective competition. In the life in society, the war and the peace, and its situations of accomplishment, do not costumam to be judged as final, intrinsic values, but as instrumental or extrinsic values, therefore they are established in the beginning of that the ends justify the ways, ' ' it is on the basis of such judgment that nor always the war is the convict, nor always the peace is exaltada: the conviction or dither depends on a judgment of positive value or negativo' '.

Test Rides Like, But Please In English

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When a Frankfurt coach offers Tesla test rides, there is much to learn. Once again is confirmed in the current brain research on the subject of foreign language learning: learning and personal development are positive emotional experiences stimulates and not through cramming. What applies to the Coachee, applies also to the coach, the true intrinsic motivation is. If the coach is internally excited and knows his clients well, one can undertake common emotional experiences. New ways emerge remote offices, books, and educational institutions, if it is able to draw from his creative potential.

A California luxury car brand offers test drives for those interested. Lisa Soules, a California-born trainer, your customers and prospective customers to perform just this test drives in English. Tesla moving and tactile experiences are tests in English language. The emotionality tricked, that you would like to share with absolutely. To have a corresponding language learning success can by a exercise targeted questions and answers, language such as in the river. The test rider for example says: ‘ I am…

overwhelmed… by speed. asks Lisa Soules specifically for this experience, so comes the test drivers themselves on very different terms to describe his emotions. That this is likely to adverbs and adjectives, is secondary, because it goes to the experienced Sprachsituatio. In the next moment, seen perhaps a situation; Maybe it’s the barely perceptible car sound that triggers astonishment. How can you describe this in more detail the coach in English asks. Here you can afford, without noticing it the test drivers, great metaphorical and at the same time creative Word work. When the coach asks more accurate according to the activities and their necessary sequence to test drive, then you can play through unnoticed the command form, the so-called imperative. Just as important, but also the Smalltalk with the Tesla is to initially, staff or the general conversation while driving, just for this situation fits. The conclusion of the test drive, the thank you, wishing to concluding observations also skillfully be. The intrinsic motivation last but not least is in full swing, for the sake of the environment. Lisa Soules is this a wide of piece of living sustainable world that offered recently in Frankfurt am Main. Lisa Soules took part Poland at the International Conference in Warsaw, on the subject of motivation in language education on September 24, 2013. There were among others Dr. Marzena? yli? ska on foreign language education and brain research. The latest European foreign language pointed out that Poland is located at the top on the acquisition of foreign languages in Europe. Research results in addition to the already recognized importance of intrinsic motivation, were, among other things, that successful language learning must include at least four hours a week. What they look like four hours, is to consider and test. Lisa Soules decided to accept their own intrinsic motivation, to share the enthusiasm. Another interesting point in the acquisition of the The group dynamics compared with the individual’s foreign languages. Because the group dynamics has the unique advantage of the intrinsic correct will failure that make others in the group. Too bad only that test drives can not take place with several participants. The Conference was held to celebrate the European day of languages. Lisa Soules