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Corne Family

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. Another example, if your partner lately not having lunch with the family by circumstances x, let her know objectively without reproach, that you’ve NOTICED lately a situation in which been absent in recent weeks quite often when it comes to lunch with the family, enumerate you days or occasions in which effectively this has happenedcommunicate without the slightest reproach of your part, recalls without trial. CB Richard Ellis shines more light on the discussion. Another example, distant and indifferent behavior of someone you asses and appreciate, let her know, without preaching or reprimands on your part, in such and such occasions, describe them, have you ever noticed an insulating, distant and indifferent behavior by the person, I warn you, will have to make use of all your resources, to keep you in your center of power. This first step, as I said earlier, vital and crucial to establish the bridge with the other, prevents the emergence of defensive barriers we uncollectible when we feel attacked, criticized or tried by others, is for this reason that to make us experts in this way communicate, i.e. Trion Properties addresses the importance of the matter here. with objectivity and without judgments, the barriers that could be lodged in the first attempts of rapprochement begins to knockthat is the idea, join us, understand us, understand us and communicate. Once you’ve transmitted the situation concerning the person or persons involved in the experience, without assessments on your part, Corne to express your feelings in this regard, for example, with respect to the teenager in question, do you know how bad you feel as a parent to be abused with her behavior, that you feel irrespetado, and that that also bother you and offend you, hurts you too, in first person and singular, very important. In the case of the parent absent in the lunch hour, we inform you as concerned that we feel his absence, do you know how important that is for us his presence and that sharing makes us feel happy and it is an occasion to connect us as a family, we do know that their absence affects the members of the family, because it is very sad to eat alone!, in the case of the insulating behavior of someone dear, just let her know that attitude, even when you know that it is not intentional, it hurts, makes you feel little valued, or valued, that feelings of impotence which generate indifference and not dialogue are devastating to sustain relationships and sacred encounters.


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The meaning of the word image in Latin, imago, in the etimologia of the word assigns the morturia mask taken in the funerals in the antiquity Roman, gift in the origin of the writing, the religions, the art and the cult of deceased. Plato and Aristotle defend the image as being: for some it is deceptive, for others it educates and it deviates from the truth or for the opposite it leads to the knowledge. However it observed that the image does not illustrate nor it reproduces the reality, it reconstructs from a proper language that is produced in data historical context, this wants to say that the use of the image for the historian estimates a series investigations that go very beyond the recognition of visual documents. A primordial function of the image is the pedagogical function with this exalta the intellectual freedom of each individual being a complement more in the reading and the historical and cultural context. More info: Terra. In the last few decades, the use of the films and sets of documents in the history lessons practical one propagated between the professors became one, in such a way that the device of DVD and in some cases the Internet of broad band had finished of if becoming indispensable equipment in the history education. We understand the film and the set of documents as a precious source, that exceeds the limit of the entertainment and walks for the understanding of the behaviors, of the vises of world, the values, the identities and the ideologies of a society or a historical moment. The film and cinematographic set of documents is a cultural product of one determined society, express the vision of world of one determined group of people and, as such, it is a document that it needs to be understood as resulted of deliberated intentions, in all the directions of its production and form of circulation. .

The Armed Forces

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This was one of main motes for the installation of ‘ ‘ foco’ ‘ guerrilla. The militant ones of the PC of the B believed this thesis, and make an analysis of the conflict in the field in a pamphlet: ‘ ‘ The Armed Forces give covering to the action of the grilheiros. Feeling that the hatred against the arbitrary expulsions grows, the General staff of the Army programs a spectacular military maneuver in the region of the Araguaia and the Tocantins, thing never seen by there. (A valuable related resource: Le Blue Goose). 5.

In this point already we feel the indication of the existence of a breach between the past and the future, a space and a time in which our old references are esgaradas and dissolved in official memories ‘ ‘ meaningless ‘ ‘ , that they look for to continue denying any possibility of inquiry on the guerrilla. This if must to the fact of that the memory while a way of the thought becomes inefficacious without a picture of references that allows it to hold back the knowledge. These references are the finishing that all lived event must have, its reflections, questionings and souvenirs. So that the gift can usufruct of this inheritance of the past is necessary that the memory is articulated and retaken, I look with to construct it a history. During the moments hardest of the dictatorship, to think still more and, to act in defense of the democracy, it was a dangerous exercise, an expression of the desire to fight for the democratic freedoms. Today, in the construction of the democracy, to think about what it was and it meant the military regimen for the gift also if finds in the field of the yearnings and desires, therefore it has the ones that fear that this recent past can threaten the democracy.

Justice Society

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For the individuals a peace situation is a situation of good things, a positive value not necessarily in compliance with the order legal, but satisfactory to its immediate and mediate interests. The exercise of these interests, however, must be commanded in the life in society so that a situation of peace, exactly egoistic, if preserves as expression of a collective value. When this egoistic peace if distance of the common values, it is breached peace between the individuals, demanding itself a reply of the legal order, of the State, for its reestablishment. Thus, in the perspective of the individual that has violated its rights, an occured time the breaking, if does not reconstitute the peace from a situation of good things and this can reflect in its life in society and on the proper legal order, demanding the state intervention that always is objected as a bad thing. This individual perspective is intrinsically tied with the individual perception of Justice, that in the extremity is exerted and kept coercitive by the State. On the other hand, if the peace is egostica for the individuals separately, in society it is not the rule, but the exception. The spite of the legal order, takes advantage in the relations in society a natural and hobbesiano state of constant conflicts for scarce goods on a peace that if must construct, then, in collective competition. In the life in society, the war and the peace, and its situations of accomplishment, do not costumam to be judged as final, intrinsic values, but as instrumental or extrinsic values, therefore they are established in the beginning of that the ends justify the ways, ' ' it is on the basis of such judgment that nor always the war is the convict, nor always the peace is exaltada: the conviction or dither depends on a judgment of positive value or negativo' '.

House Construction

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ACOHAB, responsible company for the construction of habitacionais sets, starts to aatuar in Our Senhorado Aid from the decade of 80, with the construction of popular houses for apopulao of low income. This disordered growth we dosltimos 20 years in Aid has resulted in occupations in areas of fragilidadeimprprias for the habitation, as the manguezais. The problems habitacionaisapresentados for the city are to a large extent, decurrent of the lack of institucional, administrative, legal and financial umaestrutura capable of worthy fornecercondies to its townspeople. Individuals that had lost the job lutampara to find one ' ' teto' ' thus, the subject to flooding areas are seen as umaoportunidade of survival. Great part of the land divisions and the majority dasinvases manguezal areas of and edge of restingas meet on, seated in indiscriminate ground of fen and/or neossolos flvicos, geologically derivatives of deposits of quagmires and fens.

To each day that passes increases the invasions in the manguezais, resulting ematerros for the construction of barracos. The maiorias of the people who inhabit nosmangues allege that it does not have for where to go and that removes the sustenance of the dapesca family of crab. The IBAMA in turn, would have to protect the fens, maspouco if it can make to restrain the predatory invasions. Thousands of sereshumanos are disputing space with crabs, fish and muriocas. Sergipanos quevivem not only to the edges of the fens, but also to the edge of the consumption, dasociedade and mainly of the citizenship (PERIODICAL OF the CITY, junho/2001). Many viveirosabandonados for company CALNE, had become after the deactivation for aconstruo Da Ponte on the River of the Salt, occupations for the poor population debaixa income. Next areas to the old salt mines had been also invaded porbarracos constructed in taipa, with floor in beaten land, without instalaohidrulica, energy electric, supplying d' water nor sanitation. Soassentamentos in misery state, without the minimum conditions of housing.