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Tourism Business

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Many countries, whose income depends largely on tourism, taking serious steps to ensure that the flow of impoverished because of the crisis of tourists in 2009, has not declined (the expected global average reduction of tourist arrivals by 20% 2009goda). And it must be say that there are countries that have committed not to reduce income from tourism, such as Cuba, Israel, Romania and many EU countries. Experts point out that the crisis should expect a significant redistribution of tourist flow. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Bizzi & Partners. Practice shows that this year will be little demand luxury vacation, but also, and very cheap holiday. A man would prefer to rest once, but with a maximum range of services at an affordable price. As a rule, it will be family vacation. Those countries that were able to refocus its tourism business under the changed conditions of rest, get out of the crisis with minimal losses in this business.

Problems could not be avoided and the travel business. At the end of last year to make a preliminary forecast that the number of tourists visiting from Russia in 2009 will decline by 22%. Recent estimates indicate that the decline will be more significant – up to 40%. But domestic tourism in Russia since the beginning of the year has increased by 10% and is expected to continue growing. Number of foreign tourists visiting Moscow in the first quarter of 2009 decreased by 19% over the same period last year. Krasnodar region, too, expect to keep earnings from the tourism business this year at 2008goda by increasing domestic tourism in Russia. Among the main objectives of the regional administration – Is keeping prices at the resorts at the edge of the previous year. Serious problems with pricing available mostly in large enterprises sanatorium areas, where high costs for their content. A more flexible private sector not only increases but also goes to the decline in prices.