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Web Catalogs

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The Web catalogs Wizard includes a large number of German Web catalogs that can be sorted by various criteria (quality, AZ, …). be switched raw Now with only one click of the status of your own domain per web directory of "on" newly registered "or" registered successfully ". This status is gespeichtert in the database. If the desired web catalog is not yet integrated in the system, this can easily by entering the URL of the database be added. It is even possible to add up to 20 web directories with a click. You may find that Stephen M. Ross can contribute to your knowledge. Above were just "many interns' is mentioned, for it can then several pages about people simultaneously in Web catalogs to make no duplication of work. This recognizes the Webkataloge Wizard, which URL is working for or for which subdirectory just need only URL, a password and an email address (in the event that the password is forgotten times) can be entered, and already this new homepage registered with the Web catalog wizard.

If you would like to continue with another website, one need only log in with this new. The Web catalogs Wizard was designed entirely self-interested way to the daily work of the agency to facilitate the operator something. Where are the web directories Wizard? Of course, first of all on the website assistent.de-free for your website – everyone can have and offer him! The wizard can also (almost) every other page by iframe be integrated. A particularly fine example of this is:. To achieve this, we integrate only located on the page code in your website and you can already use the tool for themselves or as a new service for others. Even the text colors and background colors can be adapted quite easily in the iframe code. If this adaptation to his own "look and feel" not enough, the operator may also like a special CSS file will be mailed on request. A look into the future of Wizard: The Wizard Web catalogs is in its infancy. There are many extensions such as evaluating and commenting on engines, clearer information on the web directories (whether actual or work for free are to be expected).