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Alcibades intends to be council member of the subjects of State, but Scrates shows to the proper Alcibades its ignorance in relation they, and the necessity of virtues for such. For more information see this site: Richard LeFrak. It initiates it through the dialectic and shows it importance of professors as people capable to teach for knowing in contrast what they teach, therefore, vulgo, would not have this condition to teach, therefore he does not know. Through the personal manifestations of Alcibades, answering the questions proposals for Scrates and its maiutica, also are disclosed its ignorance in relation what it is just and unjust, discrediting it as council member. Scrates explains that knowing the subject we can convert a person, or an assembly, will only change the number, but the important one is to know the subject, without which one is not become nor, nor ten. Alcibades answers contradictorily for being unaware of the subjects debated, whereas if it was asked to it if it has one or two eyes would know, without titubear neither nor to contradict itself.

Scrates calls the attention for the perigos the swaggerer, who in them keeps ignorants and dependents of the others, and, therefore, of the importance of the humildade, of I only know that nothing I know Socrtico. We will only be able to take care of of we ourselves knowing us through the knowledge of our essence, that is the soul. As well as the doctor it knows the medicine, and the body the gymnastics professor, only knows itself exactly who if it dedicates the proper soul, and these only can be wise. Scrates then declares that it would not exactly abandon it with passing of the years, with the extinction of the body, but it loved that it because of its essence, of its soul. The exercise of itself, that it consists of the exercise of the knowledge and the reflection, coming back us toward we ourselves, our soul.


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