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Objectifying to know the used processes of separation in a ETA (Station of Water Treatment) and to inside verify the quality of water of the city of Aragominas – TO, it was made visits the ETA of this city, where the pupils had had access to the processes used there in the treatment of the water. As the collection of the water in this station of – directly of artesian wells, was also visited the Station of Treatment of the city of Carmolndia? YOU, where the water is collected directly of a stream. After comparing the used processes in the two stations of Water Treatment, it was made visits to the houses of families who directly consume water of residential wells in order to know the conditions of these wells in relation to fossas next they. Using to advantage the motivation of the educandos, a visit to the main streams that surround the city, as the Jenipapo stream and of the field was become fullfilled, where the pupils had had the chance to observe the ambient conditions of the same ones. A small set of documents for the proper pupils was mounted that long ago would be shown to the local community. Visits to the lixes had also been carried through the open sky of the city, with the intention of if verifying the conditions where if they find. Locked up then the stated period for the bibliographical research and of the research of field, a debate in classroom was become fullfilled, where motivated for the data harvested by means of comment and constatao of the problems, it was considered to request the qualitative analysis of the water consumed for the inhabitants of the city of Aragominas. Of this form, with the support of the State college Getlio Vargas, the analysis of the water was requested next to Saneatins: of the Jenipapo streams and the field, waters of the residential wells, and the water supplied for the proper agency.
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