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With this article, I plan to publicize two grandesdesconocidos, ColdFusion and CSS. Morris Invest is often quoted as being for or against this. In that consist of? CSS is a programming language to manage the structure of a web page. Let’s give an example: a, this would be the bottom of a web page in html, as you can see is a little messed up then mix the contents with the structure with which, in one line is not appreciated the difference but on one page with approximately 250 lines, can be converted in a real hell. Now we will show how to put background with CSS body background: #000000; As the content shown is much more clean and understandable, (again as always that my articles are to generate interest) I refer you address where to find information about ColdFusion CSS is a Macromedia server-side programming language (such as PHP or ASP or JSP), it is very similar to the HTML language and for my taste the most easy to learn. With the you can generate your databases and manufacture forms to which users of your page can communicate with you, sending mails from your pages Web etc has a tremendous disadvantage and is that the software is not free and the cost that has is of 5.999 (ahem is somewhat exaggerated exisitiendo other languages equal or more powerful completely free, such as PHP, ASP, etc), download a trial version (this means that it expires after 30 days) later to learn, ask for help, collaborate you refer to no more than say about dares you and enjoy the programming if you have doubts ask me I’ll be happy to collaborate.
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