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When speaking of the objective of the Plan I felt the heart of these people who live in these localities if to enxerem of hopes, however at the same time the doubt appeared in the eyes of these people, this having has much time the reached fight and few mritos. FINAL CONSIDERAES the government Squid in 2003 gave beginning to one new history for our Country, as for the combat of the habitacional deficit of the Country. With the creation of the Ministry of the Cities and the normatizao of the Statute of the Cities and the creation of some programs of the Federal and State Government, exactly with these advances and positivao of the right to the housing in our legal system this right not yet was accomplished fully, rank that the Brazilian habitacional deficit still is very great, beyond what our region of the Transamaznica possesss a high number very of housings in inadequate situation, without electric illumination, sewer, drinking waters, at last, without a infrastructure condizente with a worthy life. What I can conclude I begin ahead it of this scene is that although the difficulties faced for the cities with respect to institucional and administrative capacities. Exactly with the little collection, it is not the limit of these cities still thus is possible to more make a little for the life improvement of these families, and better to structuralize our cities to thus be able to offer to worthy housing to all and all. This will not become utopia if the population in the representation of the Advice of Habitation, to continue playing the role of the social control, fighting, charging and fiscalizing the way as the resources are being applied in each city.
Bibliographical references LEFEBVRE, Henry. The right to the city. So Paulo: Moraes publishing company, 1991. PICOLI, FIORELO, the capital and the devastao of the Amaznia. 1 Edition, So Paulo: SOUZA, Sergio Iglesias Nunes of. Right to the Housing and of Habitation. Comparative analysis and its theoretical and practical implications with the rights of the personality. So Paulo: RT, 2004.
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