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The City

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With regard to the Map of Risk, its end item visualcostuma to be a plant low or sketch (croquis) of the workstation, colorful comcrculos that represent the joined risks. The maps must serfixados in visible places in all the sections of the company so that ostrabalhadores can visualize them. However, more important that the resultadogrfico of the map of risks is the process of participation and envolvement dostrabalhadores in its construction, being able to contribute for educative advances organizativose. In this perspective, it was verified as it is the health of trabalhadoresque act in the CRAS Mire located in the city of Belm and which it percepoem security and health in the work environment. Such interest is justified, poisde ownership of such information was possible to know the process of analyzed nolocal work, taking in consideration the number of workers, formaoprofissional, sex, age, types of training involving security and health, hours of working, main instruments and materials of work, exerted activities, type of environment and organizacional climate.

1. BOARDINGS IN HEALTH OF the TRABALHOR With the dapoltica advent of health of the worker had occurred significant changes in the ltimosanos that had made possible a new to look at on the dimension of the work quantoa well-taken care of related to the prevention of occupational illnesses. Through this research it was possible to investigate of that chisel work produces adoecimento process. The focus of the work if gave atravsda understanding in the different ways of resistance and them strategies of defesaao level of the psychic structure. The work if constituted around some constataesdo agreement of the form the work it is carried through and one identified to way searched quetrabalhadores construct to its to it practises It subjectivity labor can be understood as all effort that ohomem, in the exercise of its physical and mental capacity, executes for objective atingirseus in accord with the ethical principles.

Price Table

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However a consideradonegativo aspect must be standed out, that is the fact> Price Table, becomes necessary to detach two comments: the first one how much to the constant value of the installments, that due to inflationary existence doprocesso, needs to pass for a monetary update on ovalor of the same one, what it makes with that does not exist in literal way a valorconstante; the other point to be detached is that the esucessivos periodic payments generally are contracted to be monthly, what facilitates oacompanhamento and, also, the agreement how much to the composition of the referidasprestaes. In accordance with Scavone (1998), Tabela Price is a system> SFH that is composed for the Nacionalde Bank Habitation SCI, and also created the correction monetrianos real estate contracts. This exactly statute, in the article 6 letter C determines that the least has left of the financing, oudo price to be paid, either amortized in successive monthly installments, of igualvalor, before the readjustment, that include amortizations and interests. In other words, what this law determines is aobrigatoriedade of the use of the French System of Amortization – Price Table, for being the only system of amortization of payments that contemplates successive monthly asprestaes and of equal value. 2,2 Decree n. 2164 of 19 deSetembro of 1984 This Decree instituted the comocritrio wage equivalence of readjustment of the installments. In its article it 9estava definitive that the contracts for acquisition of proper housing, atravsdo SFH, would establish that from the year of 1985, the foreseen readjustments of prestaesneles would correspond the percentile one the same and regularity of aumentode wage of> professional category the one that to belong the buyer. In the paragraph 4 was determinadoque the buyers of proper housing who not to belong to the specific categoriaprofissional, as well as classified as independent, professional liberal and the commission agents, with contracts firmed from 1 of January of 1985, would have its readjusted installments namesma ratio of the variation of the wage-minimum.

House Construction

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ACOHAB, responsible company for the construction of habitacionais sets, starts to aatuar in Our Senhorado Aid from the decade of 80, with the construction of popular houses for apopulao of low income. This disordered growth we dosltimos 20 years in Aid has resulted in occupations in areas of fragilidadeimprprias for the habitation, as the manguezais. The problems habitacionaisapresentados for the city are to a large extent, decurrent of the lack of institucional, administrative, legal and financial umaestrutura capable of worthy fornecercondies to its townspeople. Individuals that had lost the job lutampara to find one ' ' teto' ' thus, the subject to flooding areas are seen as umaoportunidade of survival. Great part of the land divisions and the majority dasinvases manguezal areas of and edge of restingas meet on, seated in indiscriminate ground of fen and/or neossolos flvicos, geologically derivatives of deposits of quagmires and fens.

To each day that passes increases the invasions in the manguezais, resulting ematerros for the construction of barracos. The maiorias of the people who inhabit nosmangues allege that it does not have for where to go and that removes the sustenance of the dapesca family of crab. The IBAMA in turn, would have to protect the fens, maspouco if it can make to restrain the predatory invasions. Thousands of sereshumanos are disputing space with crabs, fish and muriocas. Sergipanos quevivem not only to the edges of the fens, but also to the edge of the consumption, dasociedade and mainly of the citizenship (PERIODICAL OF the CITY, junho/2001). Many viveirosabandonados for company CALNE, had become after the deactivation for aconstruo Da Ponte on the River of the Salt, occupations for the poor population debaixa income. Next areas to the old salt mines had been also invaded porbarracos constructed in taipa, with floor in beaten land, without instalaohidrulica, energy electric, supplying d' water nor sanitation. Soassentamentos in misery state, without the minimum conditions of housing.

Physical Educator

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b) basic Abilities: voluntary activities that allow to the locomotion and manipulation in different situations, characterized for a general goal, serving of base for future acquisition of more complex tasks, as to walk, to run, to jump, to hurl, to kick, etc. c) percipient Abilities: motor activities that involve the perception of the executant, through which visual, auditory, tteis and sinestsicos the stimulatons received are interpreted by the superior cerebral centers that emit a decision as reply, having made possible the adjustment to the environment. d) Physical capacities: essences in the execution of a motor ability are the functional characteristics. When developed they provide to the executant an improvement of the ability level. Amongst these capacities they are the force, flexibility, the resistance and the agility.

e) Ability specifies: more complex voluntary motor activities and with specific objectives, as the cut one in voleibol, the kick in soccer, I hurl it to the basket and the tray in the basketball. f) Not-verbal communication: more complex motor activities, organized thus the quality of the presented movements allows the expression, as in the dance, porting rhythmic gymnastics and even though olmpica gymnastics. (PROENA 1997, p 05). So that the motor abilities are extended are imperative that if it gives to the child property to play them. Putting into motion itself is of great biological, psychological, social value and cultural, a time that, is through the performance of the movements that the people interact with the environment, becoming related with the others, perceiving on itself, its limits, abilities and deciding difficulties. Jonas Alfredo Da Silva Saints CREF: 066032-G/SP Physical Educator


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To be able of policy To be able of polices is the state activity that limits the exercise of some individual rights in favor of the collective good. The State cannot allow that the particular one harms excessively, in such a way this power of policy places the State with the purpose to assure that the individual right if does not overlap to the interest of the collective. Development the proper legislator express foresaw in article 78 of the CTN the definition of being able of policy. Art.78 CTN is considered to be able of policy the activity of the public administration who, limiting or disciplining right, interest or freedom, regulates practical of act or the abstention in fact, in reason of public interest concernente the security, the hygiene, the order, to the customs disciplines, it of the production and the market, to the exercise of dependent economic activities of concession or authorization of the public power, the public tranquillity or the respect the individual or collective property and rights. It is verified that the power of policy in accordance with this definition of the legal text that has an intention of preservation of the public interest. The proper legislator worried in establishing the limits of this power express placed in the first paragraph of the article 78 its limits Article 78 paragraph only CTN Considers itself to regulate the exercise of the power of policy when played by the competent go in the limits of the applicable law, with observance of legal process e, being about activity that the law has as discretional, without abuse or shunting line of being able. In this direction, he will be able the public power to establish norms, regulations or you would carry aiming at the welfare of the collective Example given for the doctrine is the law that disciplines the use and sales of fogos of artifice As it can verify itself in benefit of the collective interests the State limit the use and sales of these products, in such a way exerting its power of policy.


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Professor is who says the truth public, takes the veil. Truth is the real fact. Soon, professor is that one that he displays correctly, socializes the knowledge. Already the word profession means specialized activity, entailed to the act to take the veil. Nvoa (1996) brought in that all profession affirms them an identity and this, in turn, ' ' it is not acquired data, it is not a property, it is not a product. The identity is a place of fights and of conflicts, it is a space in construction in ways to be and to be in the profession. Therefore, more it is adjusted to speak in identitrio process, enhancing the same dynamics that characterizes the way as each one is felt and if it says professor' '. One concludes that the identity crisis is the crisis in the way to be of the professor.

Searching on the subject, I discovered interesting premises: TO BE PROFESSOR: either present; either prompt; either cordial; either educated; either cautious and it prepares the lessons with antecedence; either active, either professional. Or still, of a teacher of infantile education, when questioned on what is to be professor/educator. ' ' He is to come to the school, to be glad, likeable, to teach. To possess luggage, penxs, books, pencil. To use eyeglasses, to write in the picture, to guide the recreation, to play, to play ball.

To draw, to teach to write the name, to read histories, speech low not to beat in the children. To have much light around. ' ' In such conception, being professor is to be endowed with moral virtues. The article in study cites the professor-astro, who of the show in classroom, formatted for the neoliberal education. The new chain of the liberal thought treats the education as merchandise, a business. The university nothing more is of what a capitalist company.

Familiar Agriculture

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As Lima and Wilkinson (2002) familiar agriculture shelters an important number of families who not Rattlesnake – PR – 17 the 19 of June of 2008 would have another option of survival are of the agricultural world, to support will not only prevent it the aggravation of social tensions in the field, but also in the city. The familiar agriculturists until the decade of 70 produced foods for the consumption and commercialized only the excesses all, for acquisition of item produced in the property, not aiming at only the subsistence, being the work in the property carried through for the integrant ones of the family. To guarantee the reproduction of the familiar nucleus, they had started to have parallel with the work of the country property, some type of industry caretaker to supply the necessities domestic and/or of the community (NAZZARI et al., 2007) familiar agriculture presents diversified systems of production, guaranteeing better pointers of support. This bigger diversity of cultivos if must the different factors, between them, diverse sources of income, distributed throughout the year and to the search of reduction of risks (DESER/FETRAF-SUL/CUT, 2008). According to Lima and Wilkinson (2002) the familiar costuma to be diversified and pluriativa economy, providing a dynamic greater to the agricultural world. Brazilian familiar agriculture also presents a great diversity in relation to the environment, the situation of the producers, the availability of infrastructure, etc., also inside of one same region. The familiar units are productive, economically viable and assure the ambient preservation better. From there, the economic and not only social importance of this category of producers. Data of the last Farming Census of 1995/1996 had 1995/1996 indicated that in Brazil 4.859.864 country properties exist, which occupy an area of 353,6 million hectares, being that 4.139.369 are familiar properties and occupy an area of 107,8 million hectares. According to Agrarian Ministry of Public Works and the Economy (2.000), Familiar Agriculture represents about 40% of the national agricultural production (NAZARRI, 2007).

Latest Security Systems: Radio-wave Detectors

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'My home – my castle' – is a saying in the course of the English. Surely, the world would find a man who would not want to protect their "nest" the most reliably. During the existence of mankind people have come up with a lot of ways of Defence housing. This complex system of locks and sturdy metal doors, fences and inaccessible. However, without doubt, to date, remain the most advanced technical means of, namely the perimeter alarm. Perimeter security systems are distinguished by the fact that given an opportunity to fix the fact of threats before they enter the house. Often, they are mounted to the fence that protects your possessions. Perimeter security signaling is highly sensitive and, therefore, can not guarantee that an attacker will be noticed and neutralized in time.

However, some specific means of detection should be chosen? For a start, it should be say that all means of detection can be divided into species such as radio-wave detector, vibration system, infrared sensor and radioluchevaya system. Vibration sensor, in turn, pinpoint certain sound vibrations. A special system distinguishes the background noise, and vibration alarm detector is triggered only when an attacker trying to penetrate the zascheschennuyu territory. The detectors are infrared security also deserve your attention. There are several types of such signaling, but the most famous are the detectors are passive infrared sensor which reacts to heat, that is, animals and people. That relatively radioluchevyh detectors, then the principle of their operation is based on the processing of microwave signals. This kind of alarm system is designed to determine the motion of an object.

Consequently, the sensors are mounted radioluchevye so that alleged robber they could "see". Usually they can be found on special poles or fences, buildings. Detectors are made radio-wave security of wires between them formed a field. If an object falls into the beyond the field, the system will be served an alarm signal. Now you know enough to find the right system for you, good luck!

Design Of Modern Kitchens

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Kitchen Design kitchen in the apartment or house is not much different, except that the only area of the premises. There are basic styles for the kitchen: traditional (classic) and contemporary (modern), but the faces that divide them, very conventional. K trendy kitchen design direction is made in the style of 'High Tech' and 'minimalism'. The design of these kitchens predominant material of metal and glass. To create a kitchen design needs to be properly thought-out plan. The main goal of the owner should be comfort and high functionality, where each item in a kitchen interior design is not just convenient, but is optimal in terms of its use. There are six types of kitchen layouts: one line, two lines, L-shaped (angular), U-shaped (in the form of a rectangular trapezoid), and two combined – the so-called "kitchen island" and "kitchen peninsula".

Let's look at each of the species in detail, to any situation to try to achieve maximum comfort. Kitchen Design in a line This kitchen design is intended for one or two people and is established under conditions of very limited space. The working area in the design such kitchens is half the entire area of the kitchen so if you decide to combine the kitchen with a dining room, install a sliding or folding dining table, otherwise the zone of passage is too small. The same layout can be used in a multi-purpose room, "kitchen-dining-living room" – in this case, all the kitchen furniture will be placed in one side of the room, while the other will be used for meals and rest. Kitchen Design in two LINE Disposition of this kitchen is compact and easy if you decide to opt for this variant, the most rational distribution – stove and sink on one side, fridge and cupboards on the other. Optimal the distance between the opposing lines of cuisine is not less than 1.2 meters. This plan assumes the presence of movable tables and dining room.

Kitchen Design L-PLANNING This angular option is the most successful in terms of creating a convenient work triangle. With such a layout of kitchen appliances and furniture placed along two walls of Tender and the table is placed, without prejudice to the access area. This option is suitable for almost all cuisines, other than narrow. See Apartment Kitchen Design Design U-PLANNING This is perhaps the best design layout for the kitchen, it is very convenient and safe as kitchen appliances and furniture are located along three walls. There is no through traffic. There is no through traffic. To design the kitchen a large area or kitchen and dining area suitable combination scheme:: corner work area plus – a continuation of the line – perpendicular delivered Fold or dining table. In Kitchen Dining short perpendicular line divides the working table and dining areas. You can use the U-layout and design of a small kitchen (5-8 sq. M), provided that the distance between the ends get at least 1,5-2 meters. "KITCHEN-Peninsula" and "Kitchen Island" Kitchen Design "island" and "Peninsula" is only suitable for large kitchen (16 square meters. M). "Kitchen Island" includes a corner or U-shaped model with an extra working surface in the middle. This plan looks very elegant, but requires a carefully thought-out constructive plan and design to avoid unforeseen inconveniences.

Home Furnishings

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If this solution does not fit, it is proposed by fixing material to establish a small distance from the wall a large mirror and use it as a cover behind which will accommodate hanger with clothes and shoes. If you are not too closely, instead of a single cabinet can accommodate several individual pieces of furniture: shoe cabinets, standing coat rack for coats, ottoman for pereobuvaniya. The layout of individual items of furniture in the hallway can be different: a straight line (linear) – in the form of a small wall, corner – with the obligatory presence of the angular element, free, or unfixed. If the size and financial capacity allows, you can buy a set of furniture, offered in furniture showrooms. Usually it consists of one or Bivalve the cabinet, hangers, shelves for hats, shoe cabinets, chest of drawers and mirror above.

Also in the hall should provide seat – a stool, ottoman or bench. Picking up furniture, we will not forget that it must comply with style solution hallway and vestibule itself – the whole house. The materials in the manufacture of furniture for the hallways are commonly used modern particleboard, MDF and other plates with coating of natural veneer and polymers, laminates and melamine. It is clear that this furniture is unlikely to look good in an apartment furnished with expensive furniture, cabinet, solid wood. Here will suit the more expensive models furniture for the hallways.

Anyone not satisfied with the presence of furniture in the hallway, can hang on the walls of the shelf for hats, hooks for bags and a mirror. Hallways are often equipped with various devices for Storage-specific 'street' of things: zontoderzhatelyami, "Karaman" for gloves, trays for small items, hooks, shelves, etc. Wall shelves for hats are fastened directly to the wall, practically does not take place and therefore easy to use. It is worth noting that many of these ceilings extend into the kitchen, kitchen design that gives a new breath. Bottom, they can be equipped with hooks for clothes, being both hangers. The market offers the set of products made from different materials (glass, wood, chrome, steel) and quite original in design decisions.