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Landmarks Jose Silveira

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The use of the computer is a basic resource, opening spaces for its formation, favoring limitless access and serving as a way of interaction with the other, propitiating its development and learning. It is an important tool of equalization of chances and promotion of the social inclusion. It is to verify itself that projects and initiatives of institutions exist that give support services and provide (inside of its possibilities) access to the information and this technology with the purpose to answer to the necessities of each individual and to make possible its interaction with the computer as of the school cited in the article. Carrying through a work, since early, with visual deficient children we will be able to become them apt and safer in carrying through all the tasks of the daily e, in a future, to assist it knot work market. However, the acquisition of tools, equipment and devices and materials auxiliary problematic must to the high costs. Ahead of the information raised throughout the work, the pupil with visual deficiency is subject of social rights and responsibilities, as much how much excessively.

They must be granted same chances of social participation, according to its capacities of performance, without discrimination. Initiatives of support and digital inclusion are perceived. However, we do not have to leave to reflect on the possibilities to guarantee to the deficient appearances permanent and constant access to these so necessary technologies for its process education/learning and integration to the society. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES ALVES, Rubem. The school of that always I dreamed without thinking that it could exist.

Keila Grinberg Society

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Altina Magalhes Coast In election times is basic that the school looks at for this phenomenon that also involve to all children and adolescents whom not yet age has to participate. This ‘ ‘ olhar’ ‘ it must happen in the direction to contribute in the formation and information of its public in regards to importance of the participation of the people in this process in a democratic society, taking the pupil to understand that when voting the voter has that to have conscience and to act with caution, of responsible and multicriteria form. To vote is a citizenship act that makes possible the choice of representatives who go to make and to execute the laws that can re-echo in the society of positive or negative form. The society makes use of diverse resources of the media, is interesting that the school uses these resources to facilitate to the pupils the information on the subject and the transformation of this in knowledge so that is made a work come back toward the reality of the pupils. In this it is considered use of magazines online where the pupils can be guided for the professor to sail in the virtual space in search of sites and links on the subject. The same the substance of the magazine has as starting point Science Today untitled ‘ ‘ It is Time of Eleio.’ ‘

Of authorship of: Keila Grinberg. The work developed in classroom having as didactic resource Magazines on line objective to promote an ample research on definitive subject providing an innovative education through an adequate aiming in order to allow that the pupil acquires expression and thought freedom, since the mentioned resource and subject promote the construction of the knowledge. For the optional activity Magazines online of the Course of Medias in Education Basic Module Material Printed matter was made a navigation in the indicated sites in order to choose a news article to be argued in classroom.

Already Arthur

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Applications of credit card, approvals of debits and detention of frauds are made now by programs of WENT. It could argue that thousands of workers had been dismissed for these programs of WENT, but, in fact, if it did not have the programs of WENT, these works would not exist, because the human work would add an unacceptable cost to the transactions. So far, the automation by means of the technology of WENT created more jobs of what it eliminated, and it created more interesting jobs and with raised renumerao more. Now that the program of WENT canonic &#039 is one; ' agent inteligente' ' projected to assist a human being, the loss of jobs is a lesser concern of what it was WENT when it if it concentrated in ' ' systems especialistas' ' , projected to substitute the human beings. The people could very have (or little) time of leisure. Alvin Tofller wrote in ' ' The shock of futuro' ' (1970): ' ' The week of work was reduced in 50% since the turn of the century. It is not difficult to foresee that it again will be reduced to the half for return of 2000.' ' Already Arthur C.

Clarke (1968b) that the people in 2001 could be ' ' ahead of a future of absolute boredom, where the main problem of the life will be to decide that canal to select amongst some hundreds of TV&#039 canals; '. The only one of these forecasts that arrived close to if carrying through is the number of TV canals (Springsteen, 1992). Instead of this, the people who work in industries that make intensive use of the knowledge had discovered that they proper they were part of a computerized system integrated that operates 24 hours per day; they stop to keep brought up to date had been forced to work for longer turns.

What Does Make The Backpack ?

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Material for the manufacture of a backpack is chosen based on the model and purpose. If it's a simple urban backpack, it is often canvas or nylon. This is quite a strong fabric that can withstand large enough weight, for example, the weight of textbooks, laptops, small electronics and other things that may be useful in human gorode.Esli backpack female, then, as a rule, the following materials: leather, fabric (including bright colors and a mix of different textures), ie almost the same fabric used in traditional tailoring bags. However, the material should pay special attention when it comes to travel backpack. Because of its quality, often depends on a person's life. The material should be very strong, durable, should not miss the moisture and dust. The backpack is usually sewn from synthetic fabrics, which are specially designed for extreme conditions.

The most famous types of fabric – Cordura (nylon version) and Oxford. Cordura fabric is more dense and durable, and a backpack from a fabric holds shape well, quite resistant to moisture. Oxford backpack made of a material is very easy to fold, respectively, backpack more compact, which in some cases is crucial. There are other materials that are developed with the latest technology, even with nanorazrabotok. This rugged fabric is very light and easy to clean. But the price of a backpack made of such material is much higher than that of traditional travel. Also pay attention to threads that are used in sewing a backpack.

Strength and thickness of the yarn shall comply with the material from which it is made. Otherwise, in operation, the following bad points: the backpack can disperse at the seams when the thread is thinner and its strength is less than that of the material. When reverse situation can occur laceration. Therefore, choosing a backpack for myself, whether tourist or city, pay attention to the quality of its manufacture.

Double Vacuum

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This is the minimum that need to know about wood before you start the impregnation of wood in an autoclave. To obtain correct results it is necessary to perform the loading of wood in an autoclave (the same breed, one section, the same humidity – Is the perfect and the best option). Autoclave – a pressurized vessel in which pressurized fluid 10.12 kgf/cm2 the process of impregnation. The impregnation process is carried out in accordance with gost 20022.6 – 93 by way of full absorption of "vacuum-pressure-vacuum." Indicators of quality of impregnation – the biological stability of wood, the depth of penetration and absorption of an impregnating liquid. The achievement of certain performance durability of wood provided the necessary quantity of absorption (in terms of dry matter or concentrate) and a depth of impregnation. Processing technology of wood preservative under pressure – is the most promising and qualified in the processing and wood preservatives. Impregnating wood protection against fungi, mold, rot and insects in more severe conditions.

There are different technologies impregnation (impregnation) of wood. Here are the two most Popular: Vacuum – atmospheric pressure (Vac-Vac, Double Vacuum). The penetration of money into the tree to a few santimetrov.Primenenie method of impregnation vacuum – atmospheric pressure and vacuum can reduce processing time. For this method requires special equipment – an autoclave, a pressurized cylinder, where you can create a vacuum or pressure. After loading the autoclave material creates a vacuum (0,075-0,09 MPa) for 10-15 minutes, then in an autoclave, without interrupting evacuation, serves an antiseptic, and then make the pressure in the autoclave equal to the atmospheric and timber kept in the solution 5-30 min. As a result, the pressure drop solution penetrates into the wood. After impregnation in an autoclave create a vacuum drying for 10-15 minutes.

The depth of infiltration is the same as in the way of hot-cold baths to 10 mm, but the time of impregnation is reduced to 1 hour. Vacuum – pressure – vacuum (Vacuum Pressure). Used for the deepest penetration of the antiseptic composition in the timber. Depth of infiltration can be increased slightly, using the method of vacuum – pressure – vacuum. This method allows us to introduce the greatest possible amount of wood preservative at the greatest depth. It is often used for impregnation with flame retardants (flame retardants). Timber placed in an autoclave and a vacuum (0,07-0,085 MPa) at 15-60 min. Then fed impregnating solution and create pressure 0,8-1,4 MPa. Material can withstand the pressure or to full impregnation or soaking up the required depth. After impregnation of a vacuum (0,07-0,085 MPa) for 40 min for drying material. Quality of impregnating determine the sampling and calculation of the absorption of protective substance and depth of infiltration by staining wood substance itself or an indicator on it.

Building Materials

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Looking into the past, we can follow that with time, with the development of science and technology, there are all new and new building materials and technologies. The famous engineer, architect Eiffel, to realize their own, in fact, a unique project that showed people the earth with a bird's eye and the sky above big cities with skyscrapers pierced the tower of glass and concrete. However, despite all this, even today in the xxi century, the century of computer technologies and Multilevel Information Systems, a tree, like many thousands of years ago, has found application as a unique building material – laminated veneer lumber and laminated beams. I'm sure many even ever heard of these construction materials, but hardly anyone thought about the question: 'And what is the best laminated veneer lumber as compared to conventional wood? ". Resort to the help of expert opinion and, above all, look at what is called laminated veneer lumber.

That's what gives us the definition of the project Glossariy.ru: 'Multi-laminated timber – carrying a constructive element, made of wooden planks, glued together in parallel to the grain. " In other words, laminated board created by gluing wooden slats (design elements) with special adhesives so that the fiber slats arranged alternately in different directions. This is primarily provides strength and reliability of construction materials, as well as eliminates the 'pasting' timber by physical or isothermal exposures. Despite the fact that the building materials made of laminated wood appeared long enough in Russia, they began to gain its popularity only in the last 3-4 years. In Western countries and in Europe a lot of people prefer wooden houses from glued beams rather than "boxes" of glass and concrete. I'd like to hope that our country is in the future, too, will become a trend. Because overseas comfort of your home, and even more home from laminated veneer lumber, environmentally friendly building material – it symbol of security and prestige. Today, it is difficult to talk about any accurate forecasts for the construction of wooden houses in Russia, but it is already clear that the industry simply is growing at a frantic pace, the annual turnover companies multiplied several times, but as always critically-minded experts, in this case, predicting the market of construction materials from laminated veneer lumber 4-carat growth already this year.

The Universe

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– The knowledge of the next universe, for greater or minor, is more inaccessible than the time of existence of this universe, which we belong, can providing in them in the evolution of ours to know. Being thus its form/constitution (next universe) is much more unattachable that ours limited imagination. To put, if does not worry, ' ' ours universo' ' still he is very bigger and more complex of what it can travel our lucubraes The incredible union of atoms for the formation of a star, a flower, a virus, a man, etc, is part of the same principle of an only existence. The certainty is that in that we will be able to try to survive (of the hydrogen ovens to the stability of the iron of helium to the Uranian one and very, not to explore, to discover) we will be in what the respect is our origin is of this nor conjecturas. General summary: 1) – Of where we came? The reply it is super Simple: The Universe is INFINITE, it known or visualized universe (that it can have had its origin in a big-bang etc., to be a repetitive and closed cycle or to be in expansion, does not matter), but yes ' ' SPACE ABSOLUTO' ' , in which a ceiling always will be ' ' Contido' ' in another one.

For minor INFINITELY, what we call in ' ' atuais' ' knowledge as fragmentos of subpartculas (quarks, glons, neutrinos) or of pure energy, forces but that ' ' it could always be divisvel' ' to contain another system, and for greater is simple multiplicativa logic. Thus to put to be in an Infinite Space in all the directions, nothing Enters or Leaves. In the origin it does not have the verb to create, ' ' but existe' ' , we are only ' ' Um' '.

The Language

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The studies of the AD ones of French line veem the citizen conditioned to an ideology that it precedes what it can or not to say in one definitive historical and social situation. The paper of the materialistic theory of the speech is to desconstruir the apparent unit of the citizen, therefore its relation with the language is crossed by this construction of the subjectivity: the language has its real proper value, as well as history also has its Real. The speech is the place of meeting between these two Reals, crossed for ideological the historical process of constitution of the citizen. (GREGOLIN, 2007, P. 140) Of this form, the citizen is assujeitado to the ideological devices and ' ' the ideology interpellates the individuals as sujeitos' ' (GREGOLIN, 2007, P. 134). The citizen of the AD ones is historical and social: description because he is not mentally ill of the world that the fence; social because it is not the individual, but that understanding in a collective space. According to Brando (2004, P.

34): ' ' The citizen leaves of being an idealistic notion imanente, the citizen of the language is not the citizen in itself, as exists socially, interpellated for the ideology. Of this form, the citizen is not the origin, the absolute source of the direction, because in its it says others you say if dizem' '. What it defines the citizen is the place of where it speaks. thus being constituted of several ' ' eus' ' , one alone voice in its being does not exist, is not the owner of its to say. In view of that the speech is where if materializes the language and brings with it the ideological formations, it is in the statement that the manifest ideology if, being directed for ideological formations. According to Brando (2004, P. 19), ' ' …

The Origin

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Conquanto the intuitivo knowledge if shows immediate to the identical contingency and it in the direction to evidence its existence, the abstrativo knowledge sends to the logical terms that they constitute the universal concept. The double one felt of the term mentions its to it two assumed meanings: the representation (similitudo) and the naturalness (to naturaliter). The representation of the terms in the abstrativo knowledge, sent to the intuitivo knowledge, in turn unfolded in the complex proposals to the measure that the proper incomplexos terms are apprehended and validated, discloses the possibility of an object to be or not to be represented without nothing it is increased to it or removed its reality of contingency. In this direction, the term is similar to the object represented and express in itself this similarity, what Occam presents as similitudo, in such way that a similarity is a mediation unprovided of proper reality, incapable to confer evidences the particular contingencies. Therefore, the terms are not manifestations of the reality, but only representative significaes, that a time complex (chained in proposals), through the similarity if become significaes. The naturalness of the terms, a time that represents ‘ ‘ verdadeiramente’ ‘ the similarity of the term, is justified the naturalness of this term. The naturalness of the term is such that does not have as a natural term represents in similar way an object without of course it is not adjusted to the appointed term? what Occam presents as to naturaliter. Thus, the naturalness of the term discloses to the direction and the origin ‘ ‘ real’ ‘ of the term, for the fact of the term always to retake its significao representative.

Classical Interior

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Classic style in interior design. In the classic style is learned and the principles of previous styles, this is an attempt to create the perfect style and design is not for ages, but forever. Classic style from time to time and reborn again becomes relevant. Features classics are easily recognizable and simple. They differ in detail, clarity and rigor design – all known "order system, which is proportionally related to architectural elements and decorative details on all surfaces of the room or facade. The classic character inherent simplicity and reticence, as the exterior of the building and interior.

All volumes obey the laws of symmetry. Still considered, if you do not know how to do, do classicism. In a classic interior design, or of a building used mainly elements of ancient architecture, the so-called "Made out to order" organization dekornogo clearance. Classicism is mainly characterized by clear geometric forms, not too pompous, we can say restrained decor and, as a rule, high-quality materials such as natural wood, silk, stone, granite, marble and others. Classic interior is decorated with sculptures and also stucco.

Applied most often a column or semi-colonies. Basically, the purpose of the columns that support the ceiling, the shield visual space in the middle of the room. Cut the same column a bit ironic but at the same time discreetly simulates the ruins of antiquity. In the classical setting there must be symmetry and precision. If space of the room allows, it is most relevant to the fireplace, which usually is coated with white tiles or, even better – with marble. Ornaments on the mantel in the main repeating patterns of the walls and ceilings. So, for example flat ceiling around the perimeter desirable to decorate the stucco frieze (Frieze – a band with ornament that adorns the edge of the product). Walls can be done so that strictly preserves the symmetry of vertical and horizontal articulation. Wall can be separated from the ceiling cornices with some dressing. If the room is large, you can give it a palace view by adding columns, half-columns or pilasters. If the scale of the interior is quite large, most relevant to the application of any ornaments on a small scale to maintain a sense of maturity and freedom. You can use wooden floors made of natural wood, and even better to use the inlay is complement the overall color of the room. Colours should not be screaming for a neutral interior fit and calm, but at the same time, warm colors such as shades of brown, olive, sand. Can be applied and fabrics for upholstery or any parts of the walls. Well suited silk, cotton, satin, brocade, rayon, can be an unobtrusive figure, mostly vegetable. Classic style is more suitable than others for purposeful and serious modern man, seeking to design its interior in the spirit of laconic beauty, well-defined forms. Completely, the creation of the classical interior depends on the capabilities and Host preference, and only it affects the choice of decorative architectural elements and materials for manufacturing.