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To stimulate literary the intertextual reading daobra, emphasizing the diverse levels of intertextualidade … ' '. Thus, the educator stimulates the pupil to recriar the literary text according to its reading. Aautora also standes out the importance of the educator to consider the escolhaspessoais of the pupil. In such a way the literary text leaves to be learned as obligator umaatividade and starts to be choice of the pupil due a identificaodeste with the text. From this interaction we can consider that the educadorpossibilita the meeting, the result proper literature if puts in charge mediantesuas functions and nature. Grij (2008, P. 98) presents as proposal the work with adaptations and the respect mentions that: The pretension of the adaptation is to make possible aleitura of a workmanship for one publishes that it does not consist as the foreseen peloautor of the original text, either for questions related to the time and the espaosculturais, either for on questions to the language, at last, for questions that to sereferem to the discursivo parameter of the readers.
We deduce for the daautora rank that its proposal is not to substitute the original text for adaptations, to mascriar a way so that the pupil, unprovided of the necessary conditions to pararealizar the reading of one definitive workmanship, as of a workmanship rule, can terum initial contact with the text. The adaptation does not exist to facilitate the life doeducando, opening edge its comfort, but to allow a prticaleitora it with accessible language. Michelleti (2001, P. 66), treating to the importance of the work of the narrative in room deaula, salient that ' ' to if initiating an approach on one definitive text alone hduas ways: becoming one it analyzes external and one analyzes interna' '. The mesmaautora places that in the external analysis, text is fixed on the conditions of produodo, and in this direction, this analysis if deviates from the literary focus, privileging social, psychological factors, amongst others.
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