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As Lima and Wilkinson (2002) familiar agriculture shelters an important number of families who not Rattlesnake – PR – 17 the 19 of June of 2008 would have another option of survival are of the agricultural world, to support will not only prevent it the aggravation of social tensions in the field, but also in the city. The familiar agriculturists until the decade of 70 produced foods for the consumption and commercialized only the excesses all, for acquisition of item produced in the property, not aiming at only the subsistence, being the work in the property carried through for the integrant ones of the family. To guarantee the reproduction of the familiar nucleus, they had started to have parallel with the work of the country property, some type of industry caretaker to supply the necessities domestic and/or of the community (NAZZARI et al., 2007) familiar agriculture presents diversified systems of production, guaranteeing better pointers of support. This bigger diversity of cultivos if must the different factors, between them, diverse sources of income, distributed throughout the year and to the search of reduction of risks (DESER/FETRAF-SUL/CUT, 2008). According to Lima and Wilkinson (2002) the familiar costuma to be diversified and pluriativa economy, providing a dynamic greater to the agricultural world. Brazilian familiar agriculture also presents a great diversity in relation to the environment, the situation of the producers, the availability of infrastructure, etc., also inside of one same region. The familiar units are productive, economically viable and assure the ambient preservation better. From there, the economic and not only social importance of this category of producers. Data of the last Farming Census of 1995/1996 had 1995/1996 indicated that in Brazil 4.859.864 country properties exist, which occupy an area of 353,6 million hectares, being that 4.139.369 are familiar properties and occupy an area of 107,8 million hectares. According to Agrarian Ministry of Public Works and the Economy (2.000), Familiar Agriculture represents about 40% of the national agricultural production (NAZARRI, 2007).
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