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Very interesting your contribution when it indicates, that although the implementation of the system is very important as a starting point, requires the maintenance and improvement of the same a strategy to ensure over time and at all times the existence of a living system and continuous improvement, which contributes effectively to the improvement of the results of the process involved, which today must be framed within the concept of sustainability with three components namely, economic, environmental and social. The requirements of the rules mentioned above are presented by several authors in a model consisting of six fundamental elements which are ordered in response to the PHVA (plan do check Act) cycle: 1. quality policy and aware 2intrusion. Planeacion3. Implementation and operacion4. Verification and action Correctiva5. Review by the Gerencia6. Continuous improvement.
It is worth noting as Huerta, brings him although there is a general rule which obliges companies to certify first in quality and then environmental or safety and occupational health, it is important to consider that it is the ISO 9001: 2000 which promotes the approach based on processes for the development, implementation and improvement of the effectiveness of a quality management systemto increase the satisfaction of the internal and external client by fulfilling your requirements of the product or service. The implementation This rule lets sort the House through the process management that considers the Organization as an interrelated system of processes and threads, contributing together to increase each internal client satisfaction. Also appears the figure of the leader or owner of the process, who participates in the activities, is responsible and has control of the process from the beginning until the end, defining actions and taking key decisions, making possible a generating functional inter management of value. It is definitely valid when discussed, that each document which forms part of a process and intends to ensure its proper functioning, i.e., regulations, general procedures, specific procedures, operating procedures, maintenance etc., they should be reviewed under the perspective of generating value. The leader or the owner of the process must be defined that documents and records are necessary, to maintain a proper standardization of the process activities and ensure that comply to the requirements of the product / service, keeping under control the environmental aspects and the generators dangers of intolerable risks must be taken into account as quoted in addition, although none of the standards, ISO 14001 or OHSAS 18001 to provide specific guidelines on how to make and manage report incidents/accidents and non-conformitiesYes they require that there is a method or procedure which ensures registration, analysis and proposal of corrective actions for all environmental both accidents as to persons, indifferently of the severity of them. The important thing is that the record exists and to demonstrate that the corrective actions are performed until the resolution of the case in the sense of avoiding the recurrence of what happened. Very important conclusion the observation, that the senior management of the Organization should review, at such intervals as she herself determines, the integral management system its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness, and take the relevant decisions in the area of quality, environment Environment, safety and occupational health, based on a reliable and documented information. It is at this stage of managerial review where big decisions regarding the direction that is desired for the integrated management system are made. Original author and source of the article.
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