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Psychological Interview

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While technique, the interview has its empirical prpriosprocedimentos through which it is not only extended and if it verifies, but, also, simultaneously, it absorbs the available scientific knowledge. The interviewer, in its paper of technician, do not have exporsuas reactions and nor its history of life. The interviewed one must be received with cordialidade, and not deformed efusiva. The therapeutical relation must be faced with data of anliseda interview, not if it must act ahead of the rejection, envies or any outrosentimento of the customer. Frequently Clayton Morris has said that publicly. The attitudes of this do not have to be ' ' domadas' ' or overwhelmd, one is not about wanting to win and nor if to impose before the same.

Competeao interviewer to inquire as these attitudes functions and they affect as it. So that the instrument Psychological Interview, in fact, seefetive as to assist in the work of the psychologist, is not sufficient a suacompreenso or theoretical domain and technician whom practical its bases and guides, but also of experiences that they are acquired through period of training, supervision; seminaries and workshops. If you would like to know more about Morris Invest, then click here. She is necessary to develop sensitivity to interview, to learn to be emptico, to know to deal with the proper subjectivity and asubjetividade of the other (customer), facilitating as soon as its universe, one tantolivre of ' ' ameaas' ' , if it discloses. The interview is initial or inside of the process it is oinstrumento through which customer and psychotherapist find one linguagemcomum, a common feeling and a common vision of the world. It does not aim at to change, to transform the customer, is, before, the customer if auto-disclosing, if reconhecendocomo person and if guiding in the direction of being and being in the world of a maneiraharmoniosa between its aspirations and its personal power. The necessary psychotherapist to acquire to the ability of ' ' dissociao instrumental' ' , and to be capable to adentrar this universe, without devalor judgment, without preconception, so that thus it can be with the customer, to know, to notemer, if to lose and if to find e, finally, to come back to the reality of the context. deposse of its luggage technique to weave its comments, balances econsideraes, in axiomatic way, considered that the utopia of neutralidadesempre will have to be pursued. The ethical principles will be avivados in cadaencontro, and no instrument will be able to acquire a sobreo conception of prevalence customer, who is more important and thus she must be respected. In this onslaught, it is basic that the professional se' ' conhea' ' , and that it makes of routine the reflections on its attitudes, position ecomportamento, as well as of that it also has flexibility in reformulating them, when necessary. Much of the work of the psychologist certainly comes emconseqncia of auto ' ' mergulho' ' that it will give the base to it in which if they apiam to the suaatuao and intervention with all transparency.

Dont Compare: Just Be You

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Who has not ever been compared to Mozart in his first piano lessons, with Picasso when we outlined our initial sketches, or videos Spielberg with our first home? And when I say I do not mean to compare that show and a natural talent comparable to those geniuses but it seems that start getting some piano lessons we have to get to play as the great Richter. Inevitably we put a bar so high that quickly an amalgam of negative feelings invade our mind, consciously and unconsciously. Some of these feelings are sadness for not trusting in ourselves, frustration at being realistic, and therefore a large decrease in self-esteem. And is that the figure of genius like that of the creative, has been subjected to numerous stereotypes, myths and misunderstandings that unfortunately still persist in our culture. One might say then that this figure of genius has two different views. One and perhaps the best known, which leaves the legacy of his great work, that is, a handful of masterpieces, hundreds of quality work, some mediocre jobs and even some fudge, why not say it.

All this, of course, the narrative often exaggerated and for commercial purposes of his biography. And that’s where inevitably bind the second vision, as a result of such biographies retouched and manipulated, supposedly for commercial purposes, creating the myth, the great man, in short, the genius untouchable and unreachable. In my opinion, everything we do in life should do so not only for itself but also by the media, that is, enjoying the same path we traveled. This is even more noticeable when we talk about art, since it was founded with the purpose of expressing feelings, thoughts, etc … So much so, that the artist enjoys the most developed were completing their work, so much so that many works remain unfinished and its creator, you may unconsciously do not want to end up with something that is enjoying so much. Learning to play an instrument, paint, sculpt or make photography is a wonderful process which does not pursue both the end and the middle. This process is innate and well known by all and it is something everyone does from birth: the game. Play, that is, neither more nor less.

When a child is banging his first white keys – sometimes also black, is just playing with them, nothing more. Are the tests, the pressure of being the best – of his conservatory, its people, the world … – a comparison with the great geniuses, resulting in the abandonment of artistic activity or impending mental imbalance. We could speak here of the murderers of creativity operating since childhood. According to the renowned social psychologist Teresa Amabile monitoring, evaluation, rewards, competition, excessive control, the restriction of the elections and pressure the child, are some of the murderers of creativity. Apparently, just like what we adults do to children in order to closely resemble the character that we admire. And that genius, not its shape, is characterized precisely by not taking except on rare occasions, all these inhibitors and their creative talents to develop the same game, all his creative activity. When you have enjoyed your work, have simply done nothing. My conclusion would be in short, we should enjoy what we like – and less of what we do not like, as would Csikszentmihalyi, downplaying the goal and especially not compared to the great geniuses, but learning from them and appreciating his work.

Allah Diamonds

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The priest-lived, with sublime break narrator, began to break off his tale .- A long time ago, my son, existed long before the sky, the stars and the land we now inhabit, the universe was a glowing cloud of incalculable size. For even more details, read what james king says on the issue. At that time, Allah, our Lord Almighty made on impulse to start shooting his holy hand, and she began to twist and turn. – After a pause, and in the silence of the night went smoothly star-studded "In that eternal round, formidable pieces fell off that cloud boiling, and as huge areas are cooled to form what are now the stars of our universe. One such area is the land we live … In a question-answer forum Gavin Baker was the first to reply. In the parties that this area is less rapidly cooled, the metals were formed, which would be useful to man. Plus, the parts were cooled much less rapid rise to the diamonds. These stones are so valuable to the man who many have died in their desire to possess, have collapsed nations for the battles and betrayals that generated the diamonds, they have committed felonies and unimaginable realms that were once the most powerful land have been broken by the same cause. With a diamond the size of a walnut could buy the county.

With a bag full of diamonds a kingdom easily obtained for each of your children. Such is the power of the stones … – Amhed not interested in the rest of the story. When he retired to his room that night had no thoughts than for diamonds.

The City

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With regard to the Map of Risk, its end item visualcostuma to be a plant low or sketch (croquis) of the workstation, colorful comcrculos that represent the joined risks. The maps must serfixados in visible places in all the sections of the company so that ostrabalhadores can visualize them. However, more important that the resultadogrfico of the map of risks is the process of participation and envolvement dostrabalhadores in its construction, being able to contribute for educative advances organizativose. In this perspective, it was verified as it is the health of trabalhadoresque act in the CRAS Mire located in the city of Belm and which it percepoem security and health in the work environment. Such interest is justified, poisde ownership of such information was possible to know the process of analyzed nolocal work, taking in consideration the number of workers, formaoprofissional, sex, age, types of training involving security and health, hours of working, main instruments and materials of work, exerted activities, type of environment and organizacional climate.

1. BOARDINGS IN HEALTH OF the TRABALHOR With the dapoltica advent of health of the worker had occurred significant changes in the ltimosanos that had made possible a new to look at on the dimension of the work quantoa well-taken care of related to the prevention of occupational illnesses. Through this research it was possible to investigate of that chisel work produces adoecimento process. The focus of the work if gave atravsda understanding in the different ways of resistance and them strategies of defesaao level of the psychic structure. The work if constituted around some constataesdo agreement of the form the work it is carried through and one identified to way searched quetrabalhadores construct to its to it practises It subjectivity labor can be understood as all effort that ohomem, in the exercise of its physical and mental capacity, executes for objective atingirseus in accord with the ethical principles.