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The Pandora

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In addition, that television was an informative one way road and is. You can see a post, but the possibility of no comment. Neither I can ‘Consent’ still “rejection” Express, can not write that everything is very different. At least this point is reached in the Internet. Only a part of the thought of sociologists, so the sociologists, which existed before the sociology was discovered, that if get all together that would be a great team work and then accordingly, the best results come out. Mistake, I believe. This can be seen even on television.

Viewer presentation and vote about the progress or eliminated by viewers candidates. Here’s own flavour finally applies to all as a guideline. Filed under: ProLogis. But unfortunately, even when some Internet video stars, one must hope that so much stupidity is not contagious. Quality judgments would probably be passed by the ratio of the “not-caller”. Vadim Wolfson has much experience in this field. A but we should certainly continue to use. This is the Elimination of monopolies of opinion. I find the influence of Bohlen in the pop area now not really dangerous. In print media, it looks different.

Not the one or the other newspaper determines what the spirit says but it is decentralized. Therefore, even power centers like Google need to under democratic control. The Pandora’s box is open. Therefore, it is to build a small natural island in the Internet. Mobbed by Dummidumm, Ratschibumdings, Schwalbum and Versteh-kein-Wort.net. An island for the whole cross section of people and topics without excessive englischisieren. More level through maturity. Because an expectation will arise. The expectation of at participation the timely participation of social. We see teething participation today in local participation. Local “concerned circles” be established and prepare a decision for the traffic calming for example, for a City Council. It comes as it must come. This circle a concept developed and formally correct it is in the City Council to vote then made and decided.