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Indian Institute

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India has developed laptop cheaper worldwide, which has a touch screen and costs 35 dollars (27 euros). The Minister of development of human resources of India, Kapil Sibal, introduced this week July 23, 2010 the device’s low cost, which was designed for students, and said that his Ministry has begun to negotiate with international manufacturers to start production on a large scale. We have reached a stage (in development) that today, the motherboard, your chip, processor, connectivity, all of them cost cumulatively near $35, including memory, screen, all, Sibal said at a press conference. He added that the computer contains Internet browsers, a reader of files in PDF format and computer support for videoconferencing, but its hardware was created with sufficient flexibility to incorporate new components according to the needs of the user. International greater Philadelphia is a great source of information. Sibal explained that the computer that runs on the Linux operating system, would be introduced in institutions of higher education from 2011, but will seek to further reduce its price, first to $20 and finally to $10. The device was developed by research teams in the two main technological institutes of India, the Indian Institute of technology and the Indian Institute of science.

India spends about 3 percent of its annual budget on education, and has improved its literacy rates above 64 percent of its population of 1.2 billion inhabitants. However, some reports have shown that many students have difficulties reading or writing, and most State schools have inadequate facilities. By Leonel Morales.

Shower Choices

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All Russians know perfectly well that in the homes of Soviet-built bathrooms are far from world standards both in size and in terms of interior design. With the advent of people began to seek more comfort and even old houses to increase the size of his bathroom and relates more closely to the design of its interior. Times when the houses were standing cast iron baths, standard size irretrievably fading, although quite large part of the Russians and now postarinke, using the bathroom with a well-forgotten times. But life goes on, people want comfort in the bathroom and, therefore, today we talk about how to convert a small bathroom not only to successfully place in it all that is necessary, but to make each of his visits to this good place is a delight for body and soul. So, if the area of your bathroom is relatively small you nicely fit as the optimal solution of a modern shower.

But before we talk about the different types and brands of showers, I would like to mention their main advantage – any shower is almost twice less space than a standard bathtub. Standard sizes showers range from 70 x 70 cm to 130 x 130 cm respectively, on your bathroom is released extra space that can be used for washing machine, sink, etc. What consists of a shower? First of all, it is fenced in a certain way, and a specially equipped room for a shower, but it can not take a bath.

Mobile Home Appeal

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Personal donned territory in nature requires anyone. In particular, parents with children is very significant to have a chance to breathe clean air, even to the weekend. After growing a small body is extremely strong suffers from continuous urban smog. In general, and those who are older do not always go out to the heart of the city. And yet there will always snag housing on the site.

Few people wish to fly constructed ago, much has been decades, populated by mice and cockroaches old house. Moreover, that these older plywood huts sometimes windswept, and sometimes the roof they absolutely fall apart. However, to carry such an old house and to build ultra-modern brick house is also every budget. Actually, even erect a brick cottage on an unused area can not afford many. To date, you will be able to get a country house entirely with all kinds of elements of comfort and a generally reasonable price. It is the creation of foreign countries, came to us recently, but in principle it gained popularity only because of obvious positive qualities and good price. Today's mobile home – is not large one-storey houses in two or three rooms, but with all kind of amenities and furnishings that can be moved not dismantling. If transport is not very far as the distance to a couple of miles, then given the opportunity to use the existing road performance elements.

Long distances necessary to use heavy transport. In principle, the appeal of mobile house that you do not have in effect did bother with the construction or the environment. You just make a choice and gets fully ready for the life of a house, which is not only a toilet, but also electricity, and are also cleaning and everything else you need for the kitchen area. All kinds of mobile houses are well protected from the cold. During the winter months of course it will not be able to live, but at a temperature below minus 5, you are able to easily spend any amount of time in your beautiful house. And since little dacha who leaves in winter, the insulation of such power is sufficient. Generally, you can buy a mobile home and not solely to own problem. In principle, such a ride you will be able to visit friends at their dacha, and did not stop them in their cottage. Or, to put such a house near camp sites and a couple of days to enjoy the relaxation. In general, let House and is slightly more expensively usual team of cabins, but he has so many positives that it deserves. You do not want to choke in the big city – purchase a transportable home and enjoy relaxation in the most stunning towns in the vicinity of the city. Lovely little family will always be able to enjoy clean air, and during the summer heatwave will not be able to torture you in concrete thickets of the city. Comfortable and fully equipped with all the required houses – it's really useful purchase.

Defrauded Real Estate Investors Rely

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Last night, at about the same time when the defendants in the case of the so-called 'Terrastroyinvesta' of fraud in the construction of apartment houses along the street Pritytsky returned from court Pervomaisky district in the jail cell and got ready for supper in the hall of the house of culture tonkosukonnogo combine serious passions were running high. Several hundreds of defrauded real estate investors to decide how and where they live. Emotions were beaten by edge: in the hall even been calls to go out and make a protest The proposal for such action was made when attending the meeting and. Fr. Head of Housing Policy Mingorispolkom Alexander Hornet and deputy chief of staff Alexander Frunze district Dovgalo almost plain text explained the victims, most of them have to rely only on themselves and left the event. Facilities zaburlil and the chairman of gs 'deluded citizens, interest holders' Basil a lot of sweat to calm the perturbed directness officials members of society.

Basil Adamovich persuaded the victims at the hands of crooks do not rush to meetings and to continue the dialogue with the authorities. The problem is that officials in this case can not jump over your head and allow yourself to go beyond existing legislation. In contrast to the president. Recall, April 20 this year, Alexander , in his annual address to the nation and the parliament, said: "acute problem that has arisen on the basis of housing, are defrauded real estate investors. Only in Minsk them already There are over five hundred people.