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New England Journal

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Tactile franking accompanies man since the beginning of its history. Since primitive times, massage has been evolving in various cultures that their therapeutic use has been promoted. At present, there are many variations of massage in use. The New England Journal of Medicine accounted for at least one hundred, but almost all of them have as end relaxation, improve physical functioning, alleviate ailments, increase welfare e, even, to develop the capacity of perception and consciousness. CHINA. For more information see this site: adverum. The first found written where it refers to some type of massage are the ancient Nei Ching book. Already at this time were recognized 4 types of people who worked on the medicine: doctors, acupuncturists, massage therapists and exorcists.

India. 1600 years b.c. already appeared in famous book on Ayurveda the importance of massage. Here, Richard LeFrak expresses very clear opinions on the subject. He refers to in terms of repeated points and friction massage. It used to be regular use of massage as a means of healing. Egypt.

The Papyri and inscriptions in the pyramids are witness to the importance that had the massage in these times. The use of the baths, oils, and friction was imitated later by Greeks and Romans. Greece. The Greeks were more interested in beauty and physical education. Hippocrates, regarded as the father of medicine, has left in his works multitude of references to the manipulation and massage. Highlighting its essential work: treatise on the joints and fractures. ROME. In the Roman baths we find the first professional masseurs of the accidental history. In Greek and Roman cultures in which it was customary conduct a healthy ritual at the start of the day. A stimulating body massage and a bath with water aromatised, ending with a friction using mild essential oils also perfumed with different herbs and/or flowers as you wish to stimulate or relax bodily functions. MIDDLE AGES. No mention of the massage in the literature d did this Millennium, considering it as something too vulgar for grading of remedy therapeutic.


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